Which are the best bench dogs for the vise specifically? Thanks!
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A Chihuahua would fit in a standard cast iron face vise. I do not have a tail vise, so I am not sure about that.
I made my own using bullet catches for springs. I use Veritas Prairie Dogs in my vise chops since they are stopped holes. I got tired of always blowing chips out. The Veritas dogs stay in the holes and pop up and down as required.
I just use some pieces of 3/4" dowel. Same in the bench, but I turned some so they have a square top, and do not fall down the holes when you are clamping a panel.
You can buy metal ones from Woodcraft for about $6 each. Or pay more to get them from Lee Valley. To me that's a lot, considering I want one for each dog hole and I might have a dozen or more holes in my bench. Check YouTube. There are various DIY vids to make them, the one I used came from Wranglerstar. He uses 3/4" oak dowels and a coat hanger. It's a simple build.
I have 4 Veritas full-size bench dogs. I drilled holes in the twin-screw vise jaw that correspond with holes in the bench. They work great.
anything works so long as it has a flat face with a slight angle.
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