Best glue for repair for danish modern chair legs
I have danish modern chairs with loose joints. What’s the best repair method? Glue(which?) shims? Metal angle brackets? Does anyone have a suggestion ? Thanks Edie
I have danish modern chairs with loose joints. What’s the best repair method? Glue(which?) shims? Metal angle brackets? Does anyone have a suggestion ? Thanks Edie
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Post a few photos so we'll have a clue of what we're discussing.
If your taking it apart clean the old glue off the jointing ends. I would recommend hide glue and specifically hot hide glue is superior to the bottled stuff. If your not taking it apart use a syringe and force the glue into the joints. I find on chairs that string tied around the chair and twisted with a stick makes a pretty good clamping system. Work out how your going to "clamp" it first.( a dry run) and then glue all the joints together at one time if possible.
thanks so much; why hide glue? reversible?
MCM furniture was and to a point factory made and with the most modern techniques of their time. So, "Hans Wegner- for ( name of factory)"
PVA and casein adhesives of various types were often used as well and possibly hide glue which was also still in use. It would be difficult to know what type of glue was used on a particular piece. Some types of glue do not bond very well with other types or even to itself. Thoroughly cleaning both sides of a joint can be difficult if not altogether impossible. Hide glue tends to not care much and is more likely to create a good bond with most anything. It has a long open time and ease of clean up and repairability are a big plus as well.
Thanks so much for the valuable information! I'm ordering the hide glue right away. The brand I've seen around is "old Brown Glue" which is heated before use. is that ok?