Betterley Table Saw Insert
Could some one that owns a Betterley insert measure the phenolic inserts and let me know the dimensions.
I’m considering buying one, but am curious as to how thick the phenolic insert is.
Could some one that owns a Betterley insert measure the phenolic inserts and let me know the dimensions.
I’m considering buying one, but am curious as to how thick the phenolic insert is.
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Betterly size
1.894 X 9.875 X .250 +/- .001 on thickness.
I make my own inserts, using the original as a template. The originals are about .005 too thin if you are doing very small rips.
I'll go ahead and buy the main insert and plan on making my own plates out of some lexan.
I wan't to use zero clearance inserts for my molding heads. It will be far easier, and less expensive to make plates for the Betterely system, than keep making inserts out of 1/2-inch plywood, and formica.
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