Will someone with experience with this please comment?
Blumotion is the name for the door and drawer closing dampers that Blum sells. Are they worth it?
Will someone with experience with this please comment?
Blumotion is the name for the door and drawer closing dampers that Blum sells. Are they worth it?
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There's nothing wrong with Blum products - Guys I know in industry have had two returns in 18 years of commercial supply (approx 100 sets of Blum runners per week). Gives a failure rate of 2/100000.
The Blumotion door dampers I haven't tried, but, based on my knowledge and experiences with Blum hardware also, they'd work as promised.
Are they worth it? As the concealed/cup hinges close, they tend to snap shut for the last 4" or so of travel, as you know. The Blumotion dampers are there to stop the nuisance noise and are usually used where there's either a lot of use of the door or where there's young kids involved. I personally don't use them, but that's my opinion.
Blum are more or less the industry leaders when it comes to quality, a bit pricier than Hettich or Hafele, but worth it in my book.
I've used them, and I think they are terrific.
I always use them with dovetail drawers where mechanical slides are desirable.
Since they are undermounted, you have to be careful to construct the drawers to allow for necessary clearances -- so get the slides before you make the drawers.
Re: price. When I first used them a couple of years ago, I recall that the Woodcraft price for a set of slides was something like $40. I found them at a local wholesale Blum distributor for about half that amount.
Anyone international with experience buying Blum gear ex US?
I want to fit Blumotion runners to some 'family furniture' I'll be making this (Southern hemisphere) summer, and am having a real struggle finding a supplier.
Any help?
I'm in the UK and have no problem getting their products, judging by your name, these people may be of use as they have outlets in NZ
Who do you use as a supplier in the UK? Also does the self closing mechanism stop if an obstruction ie kids' fingers get in the way?
Many thanks for your help.
I use a couple of suppliers:
http://woodfit.com/ and https://www.isaaclord.co.uk/index.asp
Woodfit's site has a lot of info about how to drill the draw bases etc
The damping would help take the sting out of shutting your fingers in a door or cupboard. The door dampers can be fitted into any kitchen carcase but the draw dampers will only work with Blum "Tandem" & "Tandembox" draws, check what you have if you want to retrofit them.
They'd be available in NZ for sure - Lincoln Sentry in Syd carry the range - Blum's Australasian is in Moorebank (SW Sydney)
Blum Australia Pty. LtdBlum Australia Pty. Ltd35a Heathcote Road,Moorebank NSW 2170PO Box 511,Moorebank NSW 1875AUSTRALIA
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[email protected]Phone: (02) 9822 8471Fax: (02) 9822 8540
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I'm sure they'd be able to tell you who carries stock in NZ.
The drawer slides are the most deluxe available. They are really the best for sliding shelves. I just made a custom pantry cab in which the lower section had 9 sliding shelves (which are really drawer boxes mounted behind a door instead of having individual fronts ... they also, typically, have more separation than drawers so that they can be loaded with taller items). Because I made all of the sliding shelf boxes the same size, the Blumotion hardware makes them easy to interchange ... even while fully loaded. They are expensive ... and DARN WELL WORTH IT!!
Are you talking about the drawer dampers? Or the Tandem slides? I have used Tandem slides, but not outfitted any yet with the Blumotion dampers.
The tandem slides
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