I’d like to announce my new book that is now available but don’t want to do so if it runs afoul of forum rules or protocol. Are such things allowed here? Thanks.
I’d like to announce my new book that is now available but don’t want to do so if it runs afoul of forum rules or protocol. Are such things allowed here? Thanks.
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Thank you. It's a book about the work of Charles and Henry Greene. Not a woodworking book per se, but a book about their furniture and houses from a woodworker's perspective. There are a lot of detail photos along with discussions of details and influences.
I've been reading good things about your book. Others who are interested might want to check it out at David's site:
I hope Santa brings me a copy. I better start being good.
Available now
Thanks for the interest everyone. The title of the book is Greene & Greene Furniture: Poems of Wood & Light. The focus is on details in and influences on their work. There are many new photos including shots of pieces in about 10 museums. Many detail photos are included as well.
There's a lot of information available on my website, including a flipbook preview, a video trailer, reader comments and my blog. You can order signed (or unsigned) copies of the book there. It's also available (unsigned only, of course) from major book retailers. http://www.wood-and-light.com
As for an iPad version, that's up to the publisher. There has been talk of the possibility of an electronic version (not specific to the iPad) but I don't know how likely that is.
Thanks again guys.
David Mathias
iPad Version ?
Please consider making an iPad version. Include video (interviews ) and audio and links to augment the text and photos. One of the advantages of the iPad version is if you find you wish you could make changes later or expand the book you can offer updates and it can easily go right out over the internet to the purchasers of your book; free or for a fee. Name of your book ? Or link so we can get a notice when it is available. I hope it does well in any case.
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