Hey all!
Could a good soul please give me the directions to a free plan of bookshelf loudspeakers (with measurements)? I have browsed online but didn’t get any luck. I am after making me a pair for my office. Preferably with port for bass enhancements.
More information is needed ideally.
Box volume, port diameter, and length are all specific to the speakers you are planning on using, as their diameter and wattage will change the enclosure they need.
Also, a port is NOT "better" than no port and adds some complexity to the calculations.
Every speaker has a recommended enclosure volume from the manufacturer.
They arent super critical but doing a little research instead of guessing will give you a vastly better performing system.
There are calculators for everything online. It can get really complicated, but you do not have to take it to that degree.
Basically, get the internal volume and port correct, and you'll be good to go. I oversize the speced volume by 15ish%. The spec is usually a little conservative, for some reason.
I doubt you'll find a generic enclosure for an unknown speaker system because that's not really how it works. At that point, it would just be free plans for a random box.
If you do find it, then it's not going to be performing nearly as well as it could. It would be a shame to do all that work and then hear crap coming from them.
I know Rockler sells kits for this exact thing. I've seen it in marketing emails. They have the speaker and plans and everything. However, of course, it's not free.
I'd also recommend looking around YouTube for speaker enclosure construction methods. You want to make them quite different from the box we might normally make.
It needs to be strong (I don't know how loud you want your "loudspeakers"). They WILL tear themselves apart if not built with sufficient reinforcement and joint strength.
While I haven’t started this project yet, it is on my list and I was pointed toward these folks
There are also a couple articles posted on this site. One used gr-research as well
Good luck
Thank you!
When I was looking to help my nephew but a big subwoofer box, I stumbled across a book likely from the 1970s from Radio Shack. I am square you could probably easily find a good used book on how to make speaker boxes. Worth spending some time (as in less than 30 minutes).
Although only indirectly related to your quest, this very nerdy and scientific discussion of speakers will give some insight into what is involved.
They also made some excellent flat panel speakers, which may be a suitable alternative to a traditional bookshelf speaker and offers a lot of design options with little in the way of technical complications.
A fellow Tech Ingredients watcher!
Indeed, it's nerdy as it gets. I love that channel.
Technology Connections is another classic in the same vein if you don't already watch him.
Oh, man. I haven't watched Tech Ingredients in ages! Need to get back on that. My dang kid watches every single Technology Connections. That channel is the best!
A friend of mine built a pair of Ariel 6 speakers a decade or so ago. I thought they sounded great but then my hearing is "compromised" thanks to spending my childhood on farm tractors decades ago.