Bought the powermatic, busted the fence.
Well, purchased the 5hp PM66, mobile base, extension table
and the DC unit for a good price.
got it into the truck just fine.
got it out of the truck just fine.
wife dropped the fence!
now, the accu-fence seems to no longer fit properly over
the rail. it almost seems too snug to slide smoothly.
the fence was dropped on it’s heel, meaning the point of
impact was right at the base of the fence where the lever
is to lock it into place. This makes me feel like perhaps
it bent it in just enough to close that much needed gap
to properly slide.
that, or I simply am not seeing the adjustment in the
fence assembly necessary to widen the parts that sit
over the rail.
what do you think?
machine the locking lever’s face to take a bit off?
try to bend it back a hair?
lord help me!
See if the manual has an exploded diagram of the fence. Maybe you can replace the bent part.
Something probably got bent, should be easy enough to spot, start by looking where the paint got chipped or scratched when it was dropped.
You can tighten or loosen the fit to the rail by adjusting the two set screws that also align the fence to the blade. Back them both off slightly to loosen the fit, then realign the fence to the blade.
John W.
The bent fence will be a small problem compared to what happens when your wife finds out you are telling everyone she dropped the fence... LOL
termite did your wife drop the fence or did you?
Don't look at this as a negative, you can use this to enormous advantage in the future even though you fix the saw.
Example: "Honey, you remember that really nice important part of the saw you broke, well I need to buy a new {insert needed tool here} because I can't get that to work right"
There's always an upside, can you buy a new fence over the internet with no rails??
well, I see you all are far more experienced
in wifery than I.these are all great tactics.I've tried the alignment screws to no avail.upon close inspection, it doesn't look like
enough external damage was done to really
make a bend...if you have this Beis-clone
fence, you'll see what I mean...this thing
doesn't look like it could bend.I'm going to keep fiddling with this thing
to see what I can do...thanks for all the
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