Hey folks,
I have a 4X8 sheet of 3/4 oak plywood that I wasn’t able to store flat for a few days. As a result, it has become somewhat bowed. Other than laying it flat, is there a better or quicker way to flatten it back out?
Hey folks,
I have a 4X8 sheet of 3/4 oak plywood that I wasn’t able to store flat for a few days. As a result, it has become somewhat bowed. Other than laying it flat, is there a better or quicker way to flatten it back out?
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Dampen the inside of the bow lightly using a sponge, this side-->), then put it outside in the sun wet side down. This usually works pretty fast for me. If you have more time dont dampen the inside part just put it on the gound and let the sun do the work.
Thanks for the info. It's sunbathing right now and looking better already!
great! please excuse my spelling.
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