Is a burl the same as a gall? Can you make a tree produce one, or is it entirely random?
Is a burl the same as a gall? Can you make a tree produce one, or is it entirely random?
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Sir.. I have no idea but I found this to look at.
And this VERY SPECIAL bench. Probably has nothing to do with your question but worth more than one look!
Edited 11/7/2009 11:36 am by WillGeorge
Nope, they're not the same. Galls are relatively small growths that are caused mostly by specific gall-forming insects, more often on leaves or twigs/branches than on a trunk. Burls can be smallish or very, very large (I saw a Maple burl once that was over 3' high when cut off an laid on the ground). Not much is known about how they get started, what causes them. It'd be fun if there was a way to make them happen!
Now that you have a couple of real answers, gall is what the fellow at the hardwood store said I had in excessive abundance when I wanted to pay $1.00/BF for black walnut burl. ;-)
just to add a bit to what forest girl said. in this neck of the woods the coastal live oaks produce a 1/2" to 3" gall the consistency of which, is like styrofoam (hardly turnable). apparently the galls contain a good deal of tannin and i have known of people using this to heal canker sores of the mouth.
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