How do you make a door that swings down to open 90 degrees only?
How do you make a door that swings down to open 90 degrees only?
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I presume it's the hinging and flap support part you are having difficulty picturing? There are a few of ways, but probably the most elegant you might use is a fall front hinge, and you work an interlocking fall flap joint (moulding) on the bottom edge of the door, and the front edge of the shelf. The interlocking fall flap joint looks somewhat like a roman ogee mould, but it's got facets square to the faces and a straight angled facet that connects the square facets.
Ernest Joyce in the Technique (US Dictionary) of Furniture Making describes in good detail about four different options, including this one. You might be lucky if you do a search here and find a previous discussion with a picture of the joint. Slainte.
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