Hi Russ, thought I show you the latest iteration of that cabinet I showed the other day. This was done in Kerkythea also. 120 passes MLT at some huge image size. The chinese vases were made for me by a friend who thought the cabinet needed something. Hopefully he’ll make more stuff to put in it. File is quite large so here’s a link.
If that link doesn’t play, try this.
I like how you were able to match the grain on all of the drawer fronts. ;-)
What is a ballpark figure for how long it takes to render something like that?
Hi Steve. thank you.
The grain matching and orientation was all done in SketchUp directly. Actually a simple process.
this rendering took 10 hours and 40 minutes. Part of that is due to the resolution I rendered at--1280x1024. Mostly it is due to the fact that I didn't get home from work until after that much time had elapsed. I started this one cooking before I left for work and just let it go all day. A smaller image size would have resulted in a faster rendering or, had I let it go as long, a less grainy image. The type of rendering I was using for this will run up to 10,000 passes. I've never gone beyond 370 passes on any rendering and I don't imagine there's much need to. If I was going to be gone for a week or something and wasn't worried about leaving the computer on and unattended, I might give a real long rendering a try.
It's nice to set something up before hitting the sack and then waking up to find it has finished during the night. Well, not quite as nice as waking up to the smell of fresh bread but close.
"The grain matching and orientation was all done in SketchUp directly."
I know, I was just kidding about that--viewing the image as if it were an actual physical piece of furniture. ;-)
Thanks for the info on the rendering. I was planning on trying it out, but I wanted to get some idea of what I was getting myself into.
I see. I'm a bit slow tonight. ;)
If you are going to use Kerkyhtea which I highly reccommend, also make sure you get SU2KT3.0. This is the exporter which also lets you add KT lights to the SU model as well as import KT materials into SU. Cool stuff.
That's fantastic Dave!!! Those vases make a huge difference, not that your design isn't great without the vases, but just being able to see the cabinet showing its intended purpose makes a big difference. Show that to a prospective client and they'll be drooling all over your computer screen! Is there some place other than the SU warehouse where you can download other accessories and whatnot to use in SU? I love designing my own furniture, but as far as nicknack's and other fluff goes I really can't be bothered. I'm going to put together a whole living room rendering this weekend and see how that goes. Something like your warehouse scene that you made. I'm posting the last thing I did with indigo too, I still havn't downloaded KT yet, hopefully tomorrow. L8ter Dave.
Russ, thank you. I have a newer version with some gold on the vases and I'm going to run a shorter render with different settings today to see how that looks.
Yours look great but that couch looks like it could be a bit uncomfortable. You need to radius the edges of the cushions. :D
I haven't found any other good sources for downloads of SKP files. There is the Sketchucation forum but there aren't a lot of things posted there. I have to say that I find many of the models on 3D Warehouse need much work to fix problems or at least make them light enough so you can import them into your model.
Looking forward to seeing your living room.
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