Looking for a 2D & 3D easy to use CAD system for my Mac. Is there any recent information on a product for ease of use, price etc.
Thank you in advance for any and all replies.
Looking for a 2D & 3D easy to use CAD system for my Mac. Is there any recent information on a product for ease of use, price etc.
Thank you in advance for any and all replies.
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A lot of woodworkers are getting behind SketchUp for drawing furniture plans. It's not CAD, but it's a very powerful 3D modeling application that has a small learning curve.
We published an article about it a few months back and we have a very popular blog on this site with two regular contributors who post tutorials and answer question about how to use it. Other nicities include: Mac and PC support and it's free.
Thank you for the info.Frank
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