I have been reading about the wonders of Camelia oil for plane bottoms and mortise chisels. Does the oil interfere with the final glue joint of the mortise or edge grain in the butt joint?
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I've been using the oil for over 3 years now.. yet to see any detrimental effect...
Mike Wallace
Stay safe....Have fun
Hi Archibald,
I have been using camelia oil as a lubricant and rust preventative on my chisels, planes, and hand saws for several years.
The main reason I originally chose camelia oil is because, unlike petrolium-based oils, it will not interfere with finishing and it's non-toxic.
Lots of camelia oil is sold in a bottle with a convenient spray nozzle. However, I recommend you use an applicator similar to the ones traditionally used by Japanese craftsmen, as spraying can be quite wasteful.
Good luck,
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Gil Bailie
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