Can you sharpen Delta 22-540C planer blades easily?
Hi everyone. I have a Delta planer with the reversible blades and would like to sharpen them . Is this feasible? New blades in Canada will cost $60. Any jigs that would make this easy? Thank you.
Hi everyone. I have a Delta planer with the reversible blades and would like to sharpen them . Is this feasible? New blades in Canada will cost $60. Any jigs that would make this easy? Thank you.
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They can be sharpened if not too badly gouged, by a reputable sharpening service. I don't attempt to do my own, but have used the same guy (I'm in Canada also), for saw blades & planer/jointer knives for several years. There is a limit to how much can be ground off without affecting how well the blade is held in the cutterhead. Got the measurement off the Internet somewhere (or from Fine Woodworking mag.), wrote it down & forgot where it is! Damn!
Those blades are designed to be throwaways. You can possibly resharpen them once. They mount them face down on a magnetci chuck and take a few thousandths off the back side. Unless you have a machinist friend I can't see the economic feasibilty of doing so. Best to price blades and such before buying the planer.
I have the older model of this planer. I haven't gotten up the nerve to touch them up on my Tormek yet (I have the long knife jig), but there's no reason not too. I sharpen my jointer knifes all the time. I've had no vibration/out-of-balance issues.
So far, I've just kept an eye out and buy knives whenever I see them on clearance locally, or purchase online when buying other items if necessary. This helps to save on the shipping. Amazon has your knives for $35, but I generally buy them for less than $30.
Take a look at the thread below, from Wood Whisperer. This guy made a jig that seems to work well.
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