I have to put my motor in a vise to adjust the height. The lever is loose, so it’s not the problem. Is there some trick, like another pin that needs to be pushed?
I have to put my motor in a vise to adjust the height. The lever is loose, so it’s not the problem. Is there some trick, like another pin that needs to be pushed?
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It could be that there is something stuck in the adjustment rods( like dust ), that's causing it to stick. There's definately something wrong and I would advise against forcing anything until you figure out what it is. If you break a part on a Ryobi tool your chances of getting replacement parts is almost nil. At least based on my past experience with a Ryobi router. Their tools are generally made for ocassional home owner use . Good luck!
can't adjust ryobi router
Tom 1942,
i'm having the same problem with my ryobi. did you ever find a solution to this problem?
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