Can anyone help as far as where can I find DETAILED plans ( FREE OR PAID) for :
Carved seated chair ===> similar to SAM Maloof’s rocking chair==although I wish to have a non rocking chair.
Edited 6/5/2005 8:24 am ET by Sylvio
Can anyone help as far as where can I find DETAILED plans ( FREE OR PAID) for :
Carved seated chair ===> similar to SAM Maloof’s rocking chair==although I wish to have a non rocking chair.
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Carved seated chair NA.. I would get a really old pair of pants,, Paint your butt a bit...
Sit down.. LOOK.. and carve till it fits!
Try Hal Taylor
I think the plans with templates are about $275.00
Thank you for your time and goodwill.
Unfortunately I have done so already a few month ago ( he answered he had none) but he DOES NOT have any plans for fixed chairs.
If by any chance you have any other suggestions I would be grateful
he DOES NOT have any plans for fixed chairs.
I'm old so forgive me.. Is NOT a rocker a chair without rockers. I do not think the legs change in any way.. Just where the rockers are placed... Am I wrong... OK so the legs may be a bit longer in a straight chair!
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