Central Machine Table saw..impressions?
I am looking at purchaseing a Central Machine table saw #T504
10″, 2hp, the top is 27″ BY 30.5″
What is you impression on Central Machine saw?
I am looking at purchaseing a Central Machine table saw #T504
10″, 2hp, the top is 27″ BY 30.5″
What is you impression on Central Machine saw?
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Thought I would post to keep your thread up so hopefully someone that has one could reply. I have a feeling that not many have or know too much about it. I keep a close visual on most WW machines and I can say I am only vaguely familar.
I would be patient before you purchase. Even a tool review would be helpful. I would want to know what kind of track record it has before I plopped down the cash. I will check locally and see if anyone has any feed on it.
Good Luck...
What little I've read about Central Machinery power tools indicates they are very "hit or miss" with respect to quality. Sounds pretty iffy, if you want a saw that will stay tuned and last awhile.
What are you using the saw for? What's your price range?
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Central Machinery is Harbor Freight's offering and while I buy a lot of stuff (clamps, hammers,etc) from them I wouldn't buy anything that requires accuracy in the long run , like a table saw. As I have mentioned before on this forum, I bought the Central Machinery bench drill press and after about a year of extremely light use the spindle became loose and I can't locate a hole accurately with it. On the other hand, someone mentioned they have a "service agreement" that can be purchased that gives extended warranty; unless that makes sense economically and would enable you to return it anytime (lifetime warranty) I would steer clear of them.
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