cleaning new chisels covered in shellac for protection?
Hello woodworking friends,
I just received some new Stanley Sweetheart 750 series chisels and they were covered purposefully with shellac to protect against rust during warehouse storage. Pls, what solvent do you use to get the shellac off of the chisel metal prior to sharpening and using? I look forward to your response. Jim
Alcohol removes shellac.
I doubt they're covered in shellac. More likely they're covered with lacquer.
The only thing I've ever seen on new edge tools is that rubbery, oily stuff they dip them in. I've never seen lacquer, shellac, or any hard coating. It seems a little off to me.
Agree to the lacquer. Lacquer thinner is nasty stuff. I have some old Hirsch carving chisels with thick lacquer on them. Gave up on cleaning it off and just sharpened through it.
If you have alcohol try it first. If not try Acetone or Lacquer thinner. Its most likely Lacquer as benstrano points out. Mass tool makers use it because of the drying time
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