Anyone have an online source for clock faces? I’m looking for 6″ bronze or brass clock faces – something for a mission style clock. The standard Woodcraft/Rockler/LeeValley sites don’t show exactly what I’m looking for.
Anyone have an online source for clock faces? I’m looking for 6″ bronze or brass clock faces – something for a mission style clock. The standard Woodcraft/Rockler/LeeValley sites don’t show exactly what I’m looking for.
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Give a look see.
Work Safe, Count to 10 when your done for the day !!
Bruce S.
Checked it out, looks perfect.
I found the same parts on another site, but they didn't have online ordering (had to send a fax). I also had a question and tried to call them, got a busy signal for about an hour and never got through.
The site you gave looks like just what I was looking for
thanks“The richest genius, like the most fertile soil, when uncultivated, shoots up into the rankest weeds..” – Hume
I Bruce gave you the source most woodworkers know and use.
Alan - planesaw
Maybe these people have what your looking for. has been very good to me. Great prices and selection.
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