collets vs bearings in dovetail jig?

I am an amateur and just purchased a “General” brand “dovetailer” jig model #860. This is a cheap jig but should let me learn some basics. My question to you folks with some experience is if the joints can be cut using collets or bits with bearings? I have a set of Bosch collets (includes the quick connect attachment) and I believe I can see how to use this type of setup.
Is there an advantage to NOT use the collets? Seems like one could save the step of installing the collet if one uses the bearing method. I have not bought any bits at this time and thought I might get advice on the best way to go. Thanks if you can help.
I believe there will be problems using bits with bearings. If your jig works like mine, the collars need to follow the edges of fingers in order to cut the proper size and shape. Also, the bit itself must be able to move up and down to adjust for how the tails and pins fit together. If using a bearing bit, the bearing will move with the bit and may no longer be able to follow the jug fingers. Also, the diameter of the collar or bearing is also important. Stick with the guide collar. That is what the jig is designed to use and they can be tricky enough without adding new issues.
Thanks bilyo. Makes sense to me.
Those are not collets, they are guide bushings. A collet is what holds the bit in your router.
Use the guide collars, they are what the jig is designed to work with.
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Oh jannick is DEFINITELY an AI bot (or somebody acting as a messenger for an AI bot).