Looking at the advertisement for Tall Clock making at Colonial Williamsburg in Jan. Looks kind of interesting and was wondering if anyone out there has any past experience with this or similar courses.
Looking at the advertisement for Tall Clock making at Colonial Williamsburg in Jan. Looks kind of interesting and was wondering if anyone out there has any past experience with this or similar courses.
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attended last year- felt session was very worthwhile. Plan to attend again this year.
I've been the last two years. After my first one, I said I'd never miss another. I had my reservations the day it hit the web. Its held in a small auditorium. They use TV cameras projecting on a screen which gives better visibility than having a bunch of guys huddled around a bench trying to see. I find it very informative. You also have plenty of time to socialize with other woodworkers, both pro and hobbyist.
If you go, check hotel rates. They are cheap in January. I stayed at a nice place last year for $33 a night.
I have been to the FWW Col Will Institute for 3 or 4 years. The presenters are very good, during breaks you get to walk up front and look at their tools. I strongly recommend it - I always learn a number of valuable tips. Plus the Col Williamsburg presenters are great - Mack Headley is unbelievable with a chisel, and the two guys from the music shop are funny and informative.
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