Correct angle for jointer knives

What’s the correct angle for jointer knives?
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My knives are ground at 38 degrees, I believe 38 degrees is about the norm.
Thank you Mike.
There is no correct angle but there are certain angles that work better for certian woods. 30 to 45 degrees is common with 30 geared toward soft woods exclusively and 45 for hardwoods. Typically it's a compromise as most softwoods have knots so this must be taken into consideration. Plus the hook angle plays into the factor and that can vary from one makers cutterhead to another. Some folks add a back bevel for dealing with curly woods. Also original equipment knifes are of lesser quality and upgrading to a better steel can be a big help. so a split between 30 and 45 is best. 37 to 38 degrees but if doing certain woods exclusively I would opt to go for a more specific angle
Thanks for adding to the answer, the information will help very much.
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