Crosscut Sled that works with Dado Blades
This has become my favourite sled. Small and lightweight, it handles most tasks.
As the sled is only on one side of the blade, dado blades can be used.
In addition to dado cuts, the dado blade can cut tenons.
Flip stops with tape measure enable precise and repeatable cuts.
Panels can be trimmed square, and no rear fence to get in the way.
Details in Video:
To me, sleds are shop toilet paper, tilt the blade, ruin the sled, make another one. Disposable. The only parts worth putting time into are the runners, which will go in the fire after a coupla uses. All just my opinion of course. I destroyed one today by tilting my dado stack, not a big deal.
Well I have certainly "put time into the runners" - too much and am done with that. Year ago I started using the steel Incra Slider SE...absolutely brilliant design. Not to be confused with their worthless alum. version. The SE easy to adjust, basically indestructible ...and doesn't get thrown away... the good part.
Conversely I have a sled that has been in use for nearly 20 years. It has replaceable zero clearance inserts for the base and fence. Others of a similar design have been around for well over 10 years. No right answer, just different ones ;-)