How does one create a crown top cushion? I’ve seen where you put a smaller section of foam under a larger one.
I have a client wanting two window seat cushions with a crown top. Do you have steps showing this process?
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I rec'd a response from
which was incredibly helpful. I plan on making a few sample of different thickness to show clients.
Thanks all.
In my furniture work I once made a big discovery! Upholsterers! They know fabric,they can sew,they know what is the best underlayment for what result you want to accomplish. Is it really foam you want or would it be better layered up in cotton? How are you at installing zippers? You know ,be able to remove the cover to clean. It's a whole specialized skill set with its own tools ,requires a dedicated space with no trace of saw dust. You take your problem to them,they solve it and you add it the bill. If your counting hours it's probably cheaper for the client and with better results than you doing it yourself.
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