Can anyone turn me on to a mill that will make curved crown moulding for a library wall modular cabinets and shelving project that I am in the process of designing and drafting the plans for?
The curved crown mouldings are both top and base pieces as well as outside and inside curves. I’ve been hunting around and found a couple of mills on the internet, but they are reluctant to setup and manufacture the small amount of moulding that I need.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
where you at? If your near a large city you should be able to find some place to do it for you.
How much and what radius do you need. Can you do it your self?
Its not going to be cheep no matter where you get it.
WHat are the radius's and what are you lookin to have it made out of! I've got a crown molding knife in the molder now but am limited somewhat on the radius. I think a WH can do a tighter curve. Id have to make up a jig
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As others said most decient millshops can make them but it is VERY expensive. the set up charges are usually around $500 and there are aditional set fees for aditional radiuses. There are PVC based mouldings that are flexible and the nice ones look very good. I've used a product that simulates oak and it was close enough that no one will ever know it is not the real thing. Granted I hung the stuff 10 feet up, at eye level you probably could tell the difference. These flexible crowns are not cheep either but they are a WHOLE lot cheeper than custom radius wood trim. THey also hang a lot easier. Also the one time I had to use solid wood the mill shop charged me a lot less because I glued up the radiused blank myself. Aparently that is the hardest part for them.
Good luck,
I have made it on my tsblesaw quite a few times and I am very happy with it every time.There are a couple ways of doing it but once you get comfortable with one it seems to fall into place every time.Glen Huey has a book called "Fine Furniture For A lifetime"and explains how to make this molding and a couple other helpful hints like chippendale bracket feet
Good luck,
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