Hi everyone,
Over the holidays, I was showing my woodworking hero (my dad) some of the videos with Tim Rousseau on the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship website. While watching them, my dad commented, “Now that’s a nice cutting gauge.”
He has spent the vast majority of his life and his entire career building furniture and teaching woodworking. And while I know he appreciates quality tools, this is one of the few times I have seen him notably enamored of one. As you can imagine, I would love to get one for him, if possible.
I also noticed the same cutting gauge used by Matt Wajda in his tool chest video workshop for FWW. And though it is a fairly common form factor for the tool (and looks very similar to one currently being sold by Lee Valley), this particular cocobolo and brass iteration clearly resonated with him.
My Google searches have come up short, so I’ve attached some screen shots from both of the videos I mentioned and hope that someone in this wonderful community may be able to ID the maker.
Thanks for your consideration 🙂
I believe it’s Lee Valley’s (see link below)
Thanks, Joe.
After looking around Jim Bode’s site, it looks like the ones in the videos are likely earlier versions of ones currently offered by Lee Valley (linked by you), made by Les Outlis Cullen.
I guess I just didn’t Google hard enough earlier :)
That is a nice one, may be a run on them now😁