Delta 36-5052 hand wheel conundrum

Hi all.
Just bought a used 36-5052, and I have a bit of a head scratcher on my hands.
Both lock knobs are FROZEN, but I can raise the blade with the lock knob spinning with it, but I can’t move the bevel wheel at all. I have penetrating oil in both, but after a few hours the locks are still, locked.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Please type slow, I’m stupid.
There are a few tricks that I have used to free rusted fasteners.
The old standby is heat, an open flame from a torch is effective but the most risky and can only be used if the knobs are metal. If they are chromed it may still damage the finish.
A heat gun or heavy-duty hairdryer can also sometimes provide enough heat in a safer fashion, just be careful of any plastic.
The last option is a vibrator. If you have a heavy-duty vibrator like those used for back and muscle pain(not that kind) I have used it to loosen rusted knobs like this in the past. The vibrations seem to be able to break the rust free. If you don't have a vibrator try an oscillating tool with the sanding pad and no paper that might work as well. You may need a little extra leverage. A large plumbers strap wrench could be helpful if you have one without damaging the finish. Channel locks or a pipe wrench would work if that is all you have but they will cause damage and a pipe wrench should be used with care it could provide too much torque and cause serious damage.
Good luck
Be patient. Penetrating oil can take time to work its' magic.
Try laying the saw on the floor in a manner to encourage the penetrant to flow into the target area. This might mean tackling one knob at a time. Add a few drops every few hours and expect it to take overnight to work.
Success! With your helpful tips, I have managed to free up both locking knobs, but I broke a screw in the riser knob. See the pic attached. There is just enough of this broken screw sticking out of the wheel, I might be able to extract it without drilling.
What does this screw accomplish? Do I really need it?
Anyhoo, thanks again for heppin' out. Much appreciated.
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