Delta 50-760 Dust Collector Problem
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I have the same DC and have had it for over 3 years without a switch failure. Hope Im not hexxing myself, LoL. I don't tend to switch it on/off frequently ( Not really sure what constitutes frequently.....). It's connected to both the planer and TS (controlled with blast gates) so if I'm going to use the TS after planing, I generally leave the DC running and just open/close gates as needed.
Dust Collector Switch
Usually if there is a cycling concern the manufacturer will include a caution in the manual. Typically if the motor is cycled to frequently the thermal overloads in the motor trip, not the switch.
You have a five year warranty on this machine but you have to take it to an authorized service centre. Might be worth it.
your 50-760 DC
If you hear a click, it sounds like the breaker is tripping.
It could be a bad ground in the outlet.
Good luck.
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