Delta Jointer 37-196 infeed table alignment

I haven’t used my shop now for a few years but am slowing working through getting it back up and running. My latest project is to tune my jointer Delta model 37-196. My infeed table is out about .004 from side to side. This model has 3 gib adjustments on the infeed table. The adjustment screws don’t seem to allow for much if any adjustment in reality. It seems like their only function is to keep the infeed table locked in place. If it were out .001 I would say close enough, but .004 seems like to much of a difference. Any thoughts on whether I should look to correct this and suggestion on how to go about it? The infeed table is out out .001 from cutter blade to the end of the table. I think I’m ok with that difference.
I recommend a book by John White called, "Care and Repair of Shop Machines". The section on jointer alignment is good.
John also has an article in FWW issue 142 (May/June 2000) that covers much of what is in the book.
If I understand correctly, your infeed table is .004 lower on one side as compared to the outfeed table. John White says anything more than a couple thousandths should be corrected.
Generally you don't shim the infeed table because it gets moved frequently - every time you change cut depth. Instead, you shim the cutterhead and the outfeed table until they align with the infeed.
Hi Mike,
I had exactly this jointer with exactly this problem. I followed the instructions in the machine setup workshop and when I was done my little delta jointed things so flat they stuck to the table a little bit :). You will need some brass shim stock:
Jointer setup Par1:
Jointer setup Part2:
Best of luck. I wish I remembered any extra details about doing this, but it was 2 years ago, so my memory is a bit rusty.
The gibb screws are only for adjusting the tension in the dovetail ways. They will not align the table.
Your infeed should be coplanar or aligned with the outfeed table, you can check this with a long precision straight edge.
The knives are then aligned to the outfeed table.
Dovetail ways are shimmed for alignment. There may be something online but a good book on the subject would be worth while.
Since this jointer has knives that are adjustable, it is possible that you could adjust the outfeed table to become coplanaires and then adjust the cutter head to be flush with the outfeed table ?
Thanks for the advice. I was able to correct the front to back issue with a .006 feeler gauge. Now my next project will be to adjust the outfeed table up to take care of the .025 from the cutter head to the end of the infeed table.
The comment on the gibb screws being only to adjust tension makes sense to me and that has been my experience. However, the manual suggests that they are to adjust the height. Maybe I should read it again to be sure I didn't mis-read it.
If the gib screws become worn and loose, the far end of the jointer table will sag. Maybe the manual was trying to say that bringing the screws back to proper tension will eliminate the sag.
If there are gib screws on both sides of the dovetail, there may be enough play to bring back coplanarity.
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