Hey All,
I am shopping for a bandsaw and am pretty much settled on either the PM or Delta X5. All things being equal, I will choose the PM, but would appreciate all opinions. Thanks for the input!
Hey All,
I am shopping for a bandsaw and am pretty much settled on either the PM or Delta X5. All things being equal, I will choose the PM, but would appreciate all opinions. Thanks for the input!
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I've not used the PM so can't speak to it but do have the Delta X5, been using it for about a year and like it very much. I have a review of it (and the riser block kit) at the link below with lots of photos, a couple short videos and specifics about the features if that would help.
Tom Hintz
Because there is always more to learn!
I agree with you. Recently I saw the PM in action and was very impressed with the lack of noise and vibration...I think the cast iron wheels make a big difference. I also don't like the premium Delta charges for the riser block....
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