Hi folks:
I have a Delta 22-560 planer and the rollers are shot. It seems that these are no longer available from Delta or their usual dealers. Do any of you know of a source or some way to repair these. I have a metal lathe and mill so I can modify something if it’s close. THANKS.
Here’s a snappie of the dead rollers:
Try ereplacementparts.com
Thanks, PConnor, but they don't have it. Most of the sources I've checked list it as a discontinued item.
A wile back there was thread here about a company that resurfaces rollers... Anybody out there remember it? The forum is a bear to search, my quick look did not pan out.
Makita rollers have been the subject of a lot of angst. A search using Makita should turn up a lot of roller resurfacing info.
I'm not sure how much time, money and effort I would put into fixing an older Delta lunchbox planer though.
Thanks for the input, folks. A search here was inconclusive but I'll try again. What sucks is that I'm mainly a hobby machinist and rarely do woodwork so this thing can sit for years not needed. But when I need it, I need it. It otherwise works fine and I hate to scrap it out for a couple of lousy rollers. (And besides that, I'm stubborn!)
I’ve no answer to your question, however for years I proudly worked in my “Delta” workshop and would buy no other stationary woodworking tool. In the last 10 years, I’ve found their parts and service efforts have become TERRIBLE. As I can slowly afford it, I’ll be trashing my Delta tools for the products of much more reputable companies. Delta has come to believe their products are disposables .
Did you try Renovo parts
Hey GW52, they have the infeed at $35.85. Now all I need is the outfeed. They don't have that one. Thanks!
Hey folks, just a followup for the good of the order. As GW52 suggested, Renovo has the infeed roller. I have not found the outfeed roller. But I did find a company named Western Roller (800-541-2317) who will recover these rollers for just under $80 each plus shipping. The person I talked to had the price at the ready so it sounds like they do these regularly. Pricey but it's available. And still about $300 less than scrapping the planer and replacing it. There are a few more outfits out there who recover rollers but I have yet to hear back from them. I'm going to wait until I see at least one or two other price quotes. I think I'll recover both instead of one new from Renovo at a lower price and one recovered. The difference is only about $40. This way both will be the same in size and "grippage."
Thanks everyone for your input.
J.J. Short Associates will resurface the Delta TP400LS model planer rollers. I do not know about the 22-560, but it stands within reason that they can. Contact info is below. I can't comment on quality as I am in the process of sending mine in. I will update this post when I get them back.
They ask that you send the roller only, removing any bearings to other parts.
I was quoted $85.00 per roller for the TP400LS.
J.J. Short Associates, Inc.
1645 Wayneport Road
Macedon, NY 14502
Tele: 315-986-3511
Fax: 315-986-2827
Email: office@jjshort.com
I think mine only need cleaning. Does someone have instructions on removing them?
I had the same problem a few months ago and went through the same fruitless repair solutions. I was able to clean them with naphtha on a washcloth; I don’t know if it was something I read or came up with myself. But, it has worked so far.
I looked into removing the rollers but that was a lot of work. The rollers are visible from either end and they are far enough away from the cutter blades to do this safely. PULL THE PLUG so you don’t accidentally hit the switch wrestling with things, rub the portion of the roller that is accessible with naphtha until it comes clean. Then plug it in again and run a second or two, PULL THE PLUG and clean another section. Repeat this a few times, always PULLING THE PLUG, and you will soon have the rollers clean. It removes the glaze and seems to make the rollers softer and more sticky. I can’t prove all that, but it made a huge difference and has bought me some more time. At my age,I don’t want to buy a lot more equipment, and being a dentist, I like to PULL THE PLUG on things like this. Hope this helps. Bill
Ereplacement parts only sells original manufacturers parts. If a manufacturer no longer supports their product ereplacement will not have the part. That would include any part.,even a nut or a washer that is available at any hardware store. More and more those lifetime machines that maybe you bought in the day are now " obsolete ". Some parts will always be available, like bearings because the same bearing might have been used on a million other machines. It use to be that motor repair men ,small shop machinists were affordable. But that's getting hard to find and usually prohibitively expensive. We're supposed to give up and buy new so that we can be good little consumers. My solution is scanning the Craigslist or ebay and hunt duplicate machines for parts. There are people on ebay that cannibalize machines and sell parts as well.If you look long and hard enough something shows up and cheap and not far away. Delta/ Rockwell/Porter Cable,inspite of the fact that they seem to be one of the worst companies of late produced lots of machines. They were popular. Used Delta machines are plentiful.
This certainly looks like the part: https://www.renovoparts.com/1342152-infeed-roller-for-delta-power-tools/
I know I'm new here, so not much credibility. I just had the infeed roller on my Delta 22-560 planer throw a piece of rubber out. Looking for the part (discontinued), I came across Renovo parts. When I did some research, it looks like they are not so good. Bad reviews on a couple of sites and the BBB site. Many said they didn't get parts and couldn't get refunds. On the company's page, it says they charge you to cancel an order. The only ones I saw that said they got their parts sounded like basics they definitely had in stock.
It is possible to get rollers re-rubbered.
I suspect the price would exceed a new part cost, but probably not by much.
It would be interesting to know if anyone here has actually had this done.
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