I have a great friend who is just about finished having his dream cabin built. He is avid fly fisherman and the house is on the banks on a river filled with trout.
For a housewarming gift I am going to build him a cabinet to store his fly gear. The cabinet will be outside on a covered deck and the idea is that the wet stuff never enters the house. I am more of an “inside furniture guy” than an “outside cabinet guy” so I am looking for some design help.
The cabinet dimensions are pretty well set by the items being stored and the size of the deck. The fly rods are 9 feet tall, so the cabinet will be about 9’ 6” tall. It will be 5 feet wide and two feet deep. It will also have a center divider to allow for storage of small item on one side and the rods on the other side.
I need to include some ventilation so there is some airflow around the wet items. I also need to include a way to lock the cabinet to prevent low level theft.
The cabinet will be built in my shop and transported to the site for installation. When installed, it will be attached to the deck and the back wall of the house.
I am thinking of using frame & panel construction for the sides and back. This will allow me to reach the 9’ 6” height without having to purchase any extra length sheet goods.
I have not figured out the doors yet. The closest entry door is a nice board and batten style that I think I might use some of the design elements.
<!—-><!—-> <!—->I know that I am missing a lot so any designed ideas would be appreciated.
I would use frame and panel construction, too, but rather than solid panels, I'd make the "panels" out of individual slats, spaced 1/4" or so apart. That would give the necessary ventilation.
There was a series of articles in Wood magazine about a year ago, covering the construction of some deck furnishings using this technique. You can purchase downloadable plans here. While it won't match exactly what you're trying to build, it may give you some ideas as well as construction tips.
Incidentally, be sure to cover any ventilation openings with insect screen on the inside. It's amazing what will collect inside an outdoor cabinet...
Thanks for the reminder of insect screening and the link to the plans.
I am currently completing two graduation presents in the shop and working through some of the design challenges for the cabinet. If anyone else has ideas please let me know.
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