How to replace a drive belt on a dewalt 735 planer?
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DeWalt planer
When I replaced the regular cutter head in my 735 with a Byrd Shelix, I put the belt on the motor cog and the cutter head cog before inserting the new cutter head into the planer. Then a few weeks ago, the planer stalled a few times, and then the belt shredded. I got a new belt but couldn't get it to stretch far enough to install it. (It seems to be polyurethane reinforced with some kind of fibers.) So I took it to a local service center. The technician there said that he had to loosen the motor mounts, which involved more disassembly than I cared to do. The next day the new belt shredded, so I took it to an official DeWalt service center. They replaced that belt, but the next day I had the same problem with the new belt shredding again. I think something must be misaligned, although it happened after a year of using the Byrd head. When I get a chance, I will take the whole thing apart and see what it looks like and maybe put the original cutter head back on. Why don't you try taking yours apart and see if you can get at the motor mount screws. It isn't real easy. If you haven't got the new belt on yet, take it to a service center. The belt itself is around $35 + shipping, and the DeWalt service did the whole thing for $75, including the cost of the belt. I hope you have (or had) better luck than me.
Have you checked the pulley Diameter?
I can't think of any other reason for the belt to shread other then that I would also check the pulley alignment in relation to the motor pulley.
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