Did FWW stop publishing for a while after 1993?

Asking because of a comment in Jim Toplin’s Woodworking Wit and Wisdom book I picked up used recently. Near the end of the book he talks about his favorite books. In it is listed Fine Woodworking and he says “….. if you can find a set (the magazine ceased publication in 1993) and have the shelf space, grab it!” Toplin’s book came out in 2004. Just curious what folks know. Thanks.
I have no idea what he was talking about. Fine Woodworking never ceased publication. And when the "Wit and Wisdom" book came out in 2004, an additional 65 or so issues of Fine Woodworking had been published since they "ceased publication" in 1993.
He forgot to renew his subscription? He bought off the rack at his local book store and then they quit carrying it? When he asked about it they told him it was no longer being published and he took their word for it? Or the usual answer...drugs!
As stated above, there were no gaps whatsoever in publication. Pretty irresponsible of Jim Tolpin to put that in a book, whether he made the mistake originally or he just didn't proofread something that someone else contributed to the content.
Clearly false information, and, as a charter subscriber to FWW, I have the physical copies to prove that they have published continuously since the first issue back in the mid 1970s.
That is curious!
Did Taunton Press stop selling the full catalog of their back issues in 1993?
If so, Mr Tolpin may have been trying to say that a full set of back issues can no longer be purchased new from Taunton so your only option is the used market.
If that's what he meant, I agree it's poorly worded.
Thanks Mike and the rest of you. Toplin has written a lot of books so I am puzzled by this as well. I am sure at some point, I will end up reaching out to him and ask.
I'm an editor. Making a mistake like that is not unusual. You are writing a nonfiction book with thousands of facts. It is easy to make a mistake when relying on other sources and interpreting them. That appears to be what happened here. It's a howler, all right, but hardly a big deal.
Fine Woodworking has never paused our print product. Jim may be referring to Home Furniture, a Taunton publication focused on design. We stopped publishing it in 1997.
Thanks. I was in grad school in much of the 1990s and give how focused I was on school (I call it the lost decade), I could have easily missed the magazine not coming for a few years. I've got an email out to Toplin just to get clarification. If/when I get a response, I will post it here.
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