Help!! How do you navigate to the different folders.
Business,Gallery etc. Maybe I just need more time to explore
but I can’t seem to find them.
Help!! How do you navigate to the different folders.
Business,Gallery etc. Maybe I just need more time to explore
but I can’t seem to find them.
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Dave, aren't the folders all listed on the left side of the page? "click" on the icon of the folder next to it's name and it should pop open. Or go to the top of the list and select which messages you want to see, (All, Two Days Back, Today,.....) and hit the "GO" button there.
I noticed a similar problem with my macintosh, Business was nowhere to be found.
What you have to do is go to the bottom of some discussion that you are able to view and switch to "Advanced HTML view" (or something like that),
And the missing folders magically appear.
It drove me crazy for a while, but it seemed to fix the problem.
I , for one, prefered the old interface a lot better.
Good luck
Thanks, I finally found it. I like the old forum better also. I don't know
what this new format brings to the party. Oh well they change is good.
Thanks again,
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