Does anyone know of a tutorial that shows how to draw a hinge in Sketchup? I need to put one in a model that I am doing and cannot find a suitable component anyplace.
Does anyone know of a tutorial that shows how to draw a hinge in Sketchup? I need to put one in a model that I am doing and cannot find a suitable component anyplace.
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How much detail do you need in the hinge? Does it have to be capable of opening? I can do something up for you when I get home from work if you want.
I zipped out a quick hinge for you. No holes and it's not as clean as I would prefer but it is a small file size. I think it took me longer to find the specs for the hinge than to draw it. I'll work out a tutorial if you need it.
Wow! That is great. Thanks.
I would like the tutorial, so that I will be able to make and customize them when I need them.
Thanks for the quick response.
Frank, let's see if this will help you get a handle on it.
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