I’m still new to woodworking and finishing a dresser. what is the best finish to use on the inside of the drawers. I’m using Rubio Monocoat for the exterior but did not know if this would work well for the drawers. the drawers are maple with birch plywood bottoms. thanks
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You don't need to finishthe insides of drawers at all. They were never finished at all until fairly recently.
If a drawer interior is likely to get dirty, I'll use a couple of coats of shellac. It dries completely very fast, and most importantly has no odor. Whatever you do, do not use a product with an odor. It can stink up the interior for years.
I agree with the shellac recommendation. Easy, fast. Will not stand up to moisture, but this is generally not a concern in this location. A light sanding between coats will give a nice finish.
Shellac is a good interior finish but also might yellow the maple. A water based poly such as Minwax Polycrylic will give the same odor-free interior finish and keep the maple looking like maple.
thanks for the comments. Any thoughts on just using the Rubio monocoat also on the drawers as it says its non-toxic (other than it probably gets pricey to use)?
Rubio is oil based. The drawers will smell for months and the odor will certainly be absorbed into any clothes left in the drawers.
This is why shellac and water base poly are recommended. Neither leaves a lingering odor.
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