Drill Press — Purchasing a new (used) one

I would appreciate some advice on options for drill press purchases. I have done some research, and I thought a radial drill press would be a good bet because of its flexibility. Unfortunately, after more reading, it appears there are issues with the lower to mid price radial drill presses (under $500); e.g., flex when the head is far from the post, quill wobble etc (however, FWW 2007 review of the Grizzly and Shop Fox didn’t mention this).
I looked around and started to focus on the powermatic 1150 and 1200 drill presses due to their good reviews. I guess I could get most of the things I like about the radial drill press by replacing the standard table with one that tilts. I also like the Powermatic 6″ travel vs.the 3.25″ on the Grizzly et al. Finally, I want to buy one drill press that lasts a long long time. I have no desire to replace it because I tried to be cheap or stupid because of a deal that is to good to pass up.
Here are my questions:
1. How many of you use a 30+” swing like on the Rikon 30-251 model or the Grizzly G7946?
2. Is the 1/3-1/2 HP enough power to user with Forstner Bits?
3. What has been your experience with the old Powermatics?
4. How important or useful is a variable speed feature?
Thanks for your time and consideration. I look forward to getting the collective wisdom of the group.
Best regards,
Great topic Good questions
I may spend more time on a more in depth response tomorrow, it is very late right now.
Variable speed is critical ! ! ! ! For large forstners you MUST run them slow so they don't get too hot. For sanding or small bits it sure speeds things up if you turn them fairly fast. For small bits in steel, such as 1/16 "(1.5mm ) or 1/8 " (3mm ) it speeds up production if you turn them quite fast. But then aren't ALL drill presses variable speed. My super cheepy bench top that I bought first, a generation ago, used no less, is variable speed.
I too thought the radial was pretty cool but never bought one. I don't need it for sure.
Optional tilt table. About all drill presses have a table that tilts left and right. Look again.
I have a couple of questions for you :
Do you plan on doing much metal work on your drill press (I do quite a lot on mine).
What kinds of projects are you going to use this drill press for ?
Are you trying to go commercial/make a living with your new drill press or , like me, are you a home hobby person ?
PS: I was searching for an old post I made a few years ago about my drill press purchase. I couldn't find it. Remind me to tell you some time about all the things I find that are wonderful about how this new search feature works verses the old version here on Knots. It will take about a second and a half. It is a very short list in deed. Ok, I got it out. I am better now. Anyway . . . in my search I ran across this . . . check out what a major league pro woodworker has to say about the cheep radial
Oh my gosh ! ! ! FINALLY ! I found what I wrote years ago so I don't have to type it all again.
Talk to you later,
Drill Press
I think you're more in the $ 1000.00 range for a worthwhile tool. Also make sure the set up to raise and lower the table with a hand crank is present. I had to add the one on mine after purchase - I didn't think I needed it originally - man was I wrong.
. . . ?
no hand crank ? That is unheard of. Well my little cheepy doesn't have one but it is a very small bench top. I can pick it up and put it in a truck with one hand. What drill press did you wind up with ?
We'er talking floor standing full size right ?
PS: the drill press I posted, keeping in mind it was a very good price and that it is seven years old since I posted that, was used in at least two commercial shops I worked in. Five man (and woman) (personel number) shops roughly. Both steel and bronze work not wood. Harder on the drill press. We turned hole saws so at least the equivalent of large forstners. NO PROBLEMS !
Well one problem but it wasn't the fault of the quality of the drill press. The people lost the proper chuck key, they bought the wrong key, I made it the right key. Page down to the post with the photo of the chuck key.
Thanks for all the information -- especially the links. I pitched the idea of a radial drill press and broke down and pruchased a JET JDP-125VS drill press today @ an auction. This is a 20" , 1.5 HP, variable speed drill press with a 6" quill travel. I have attached a couple of JPEGS so you can see it. Thanks again for your help.
Best regards,
Wow !
That ought to do it !
Good going.
Very nice machine, should last a lifetime
I have a Grizzly G7945 34" Benchtop Radial Drill Press,
I have to say all the talk about "flex" is either one of those things that "i heard from a guy" or is blown way out of proportion,
A drill press is not an arbor press and there should be no need to apply so much pressure that you start moving the cast iron and a 2.25" steel tube out of alignment.
A decent/sharp bit should cut with minimal pressure in most species of wood without having to bear down on the handle so much you risk putting your machine out of alignment.
This isn't my only DP and it's not the best out there but it does allow me to drill a hole about 16.5" from the post and make angled holes while keeping the stock flat.
Just my opinion
Would be looking at old used well restored Iron, like this '68 Rockwell.
What you see is just for openers, a lot of accessories to make drilling accurate and easy.
So tell us, what did you buy eight years ago and how is it working out for you?
It' good to go with the jet drillpress. But also grizzly good.
All my machinery is old Rockwell bandsaw tablesaw and jointer , that being said a friend told me to buy a rigid drill press from Home Depot I did and could not be happier, I have had it for years and it’s works very well .hope this helps cheers.
Has anyone heard from jrm200 since his posts in 2012? Hopefully the poor fellow has found a suitable drill press by now.
Hi, I am looking at the Nova Viking DVR for about $1600au, (Australia) any thoughts
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