I’m wondering if a drum sander can flatten a board just like a jointer. Or would it be like a thickness planer and “banana in = banana out”?
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Fruit is the answer to this inquiry. DAMHIKT.
Drun sander won't replace jointer at all. Nor will a drum sander replace a planer. Your fruit analogy is correct.
Back in the days when I was buying lots of hardwood lumber for a cabinet business I bought everything S2S - sanded one side - straight line ripped one edge, from a local millwright shop. I think they charged (then - 20 years ago) 10 cents per bf to sand it.
At that rate I could have had about 40,000 bf sanded before it would equal the price of one good surface sander. And that doesn't even count my labor, electricity, and belts to have done it myself. Oh yeah, plus a LARGE DC and a place to dump the dust.
What do they charge now??
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)PlaneWood
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