I remember reading that dry lube is recommended for hollow chisels, but upon searching, I found that there is a great deal of variety in the dry lube market. Some are graphite, some Teflon (PTFE), some Moly, etc.
Is there a recommended brand/type dry lube for this application?
Here is one :
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
I use a block of wax for canned veggies jars...
My Edit: I drill into the block before the cut into the wood...
Edited 9/14/2009 4:35 am by WillGeorge
Check out LPS #1 Greasless Lubricant made by LPS Laboratories. I don't know if it is approved for your application, but it is colorless.
I use the spray on dri cote by bostik
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