dust collector “bag or canister filter”

I am looking for a dust collector, I have a lead on a used but new condition 2hp regular type with a filter bag for 225$. I could buy a new canister filter for 285$ which would bring me to to 500$ + tx on the filter. Do we really need the canister typer versus the filter bag. Normally both are rated to 1 micron.
Will I be putting my health at risk with the filter bag or it is the new trend on dust collector pushing people to buy the canister type. Could I find a retrofit filter online to ship in Canada for a few hundred $ later.
You input would be great.
Not sure what's best for you - my dust collection is a box fan w/furnace filter. Anyway FWW mag has an article this month on Dust Collection - check it out - I'm sure it will answer some questions.
I'll share my experience as it may help.
I started with a 2hp grizzly with filter bag, it suited my needs for a couple years.
Mostly hobby stuff.
As I started my business, and running 2-3 machines at the same time my collection system was not up to the task.
I added a Wynn filter($165) and I noticed an immediate improvement, though I'd still have to clean out the filter every 5-7 days.
I added a trash can type separator($35) which helped capture about 85% of the chips, but I was still seeing a drop in suction after about 4 hours of use.
I added a super dust deputy ($200) and it's incredible. Captures almost everything and the filter needs to be clean about every 4-6 weeks.
My steps and results are prety much the same as found in the current FWW article.
hope that helps!
Filter Consideration
The tough part about this is that it is the smallest particles (below 1 micron) which do the most damage to your lungs. the Wynn HEPA filter is rated at 0.5microns, and is optimized if you use an inexpensive Thein Separator approach, pre-filter - the separator is a trash can with an inlet (coming from the dust sources) and an outlet (leading directly to the filter fan - a more expensive, and well-reviewed solution is an Oneida Super Dust Deputy - this is about $300 (use the Thein Separator approach first, then move to the Oneida when you have the money to invest)).
This approach (Thein Separator, economy DC, with a Wynn HEPA) goes very far to toward keeping your lungs in great shape. The people at Wynn are excellent - call them, tell them what DC you have, and they'll recommend the appropriate HEPA.
Mike Dorsam
Canister filters are much more efficient. Especially in cleaning up finer dust particles. They are a tad more expensive than bag filters but are a lot better in terms of removal and cleanup. Wynn would be a good fit. If you're needing a replacement cartridge, you might look into Environmental Filter (www.efisales.com) or DamnFilters (www.damnfilters.com) since they manufacture the replacements.
Or if your tight on money, I've seen some people buy a bag filter at first until they are able to save up the money they need to buy a cartridge/canister.
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