Hi all,
Have an embarassing question. I have a 1 hp Jet dust collect with a 4 inch hose that I am trying to connect to a super dust deputy with a reducer to 4 inches. After 90 minutes of effort I could not get the two hoses connected and eventually broke the hose fitting after trying wd-40, dawn soap,cutting small kerfs in the fitting,and trying to flex the fitting (when I broke it).
Does anyone have suggestions of what to try or alternatively what their favorite hoses and fittings systems are? I am going to be moving this system from machine to machine (though obviously this connection will be relatively permanent).
Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks
4 inch dust connections are never very standard. I've used 3" PVC as a coupling, resorted to sanding the ends of "Powertec" black plastic connectors and even adding electrical tape to make some ends bigger.
A picture of what you are trying to do would help us give you better suggestions.
I can add a picture in a bit. I bought new fittings at woodcraft and hope they work.
On my Onedia I had a heck of a time getting some of the hoses to attach using all the tricks you mentioned; finally got one of them on when my next door neighbor and wife helped. Yet, some of the other hoses to the Oneida or specific equipment went on relatively easily. What dstevick makes a lot of sense to me.
Good deal thank you!
Perfect fit everywhere, 4 inches pvc couplers.:
Call Oneida, their customer support is very good and they'll sell you exactly what you need.
Here's a solution that works very well. See attached photo. Use "Shower Pan Liner" to make the connection with 4" ducting inside to keep it from collapsing. It can also be used to connect mismatched sizes of ducting. The picture included here has been installed for 6 years. It was used to connect the cyclone to the collector and the cyclone to the dust bin. To make it wrap the liner around the ducting, Mark so it overlaps about one inch around the ducting and cut it leaving the overlap. Use Liner glue to seal it so that it will be a tight fit when attaching to the collector and the cyclone and then slide it over the ducting and make the connections at each end. Glue it together without wrapping it around the duct, then slide it over the ducting / fittings. This stuff stretches a bit and you can use silicon lube which will let you slide it over the ducting and/or the connections. If you don't have much distance to cover then make this a direct connection without the ducting inside. This configuration also decouples vibration between the collector and the rest of the system. Good luck.