Noticed when looking at “visitors” alot of us log in very early in the morning up to about 7:30. (time zone and hemisphere adjusted) Can’t anyone sleep? I’m on somewhere between 5-6 am ( and sometimes at happy hour…) but don’t get out to the shop until 8-8:30. Hows that with the rest of you?
Speaking of Mel, where be Mel? Mel hasn’t logged in since the 3rd. Very unusual, especially going somewhere without knots permission or notice or itinerary.
Mel — where is you? Just checkin!
Not everyone is retired...
Chris @
and now
- Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
The older I get the less I want to sleep in, the body starts stiffening up if I lay around too long, plus.
Amen,Brother! :-)
I'm up at 5:30 every day, but I wait for my first coffee at the shop at about 7:00 to log in. Of course that's about 9:00PM your time. I also check in from time to time during the day just when I want an excuse to sit down for a while.
David Ring
me too.
I wake up anytime between 5 and 6 and usually hit Knots after BBC, Google News and Groklaw. (need to be wide awake to cope with you guys!)
Shop time is late evening on weekdays, some time after 9 on weekends, I have to give the rest of the family are chance to have their precious lie-in.
It will all change when I retire :-)
Yeah, I check out Google news and then the market, Craigslist for tools and wood for sale, by that time the coffee has circulated. I don't know if it will change after full retirement but you still have to get up early for fishin' and I prefer to do what power tool/client stuff/east coast contacts stuff is needed in the am when I'm more safety conscious and polite and save the good stuff (hand work) for the PM -- more relaxing.
Early my left foot! If I slept as much as you folks seem to, I wouldn't have as much time to play on this infernal machine!!! Hope that made you all smile a little. As for me, I only sleep between 4-5 hours a day and most of the time that starts after about 3am. As for shop time? Well if I had a shop to work out of . . . . But that's another story.
this infernal machine!!!...
Yes, sometimes I think, the computer IS REALLY the Devil mentioned in Armageddon... LOL.. I use to have to fix them and said more than a few cuss words that maybe could send me to Hell! But I for one think God is not mean at all.. Just 'pullin our chain' on occasion.
>sleep/up to knot
Well I am as weird as they come in that department. Reminds me of a story I read about a math genius. His norm was to be awake for like 48hrs or something like that then sleep for 24.
Anyway for as long as I can remember I sit down in the evening with a pile of books and magazines chasing down some topic of interest and invariably I fall asleep one or two books into the pile. Hugely frustrating. I work / not retired.
It is great when I can just stay up until two or three and make a long night of it. I love that.
For the last few years I tend to fall asleep on the couch/research center by one or two then wake up about three or four and finish up my task then go to bed in the actual bed room until eight. Even I think that is nuts ! I been doing this so long Queenmasteroftheuniverse doesn't even mention it or roll her eyes. She is just resigned to it.
Not every night of coarse but most nights.
So I may wake up at three on the couch and look on line to see what has been going on and make a post and then go to bed in the actual bed room.
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
Edited 6/12/2009 2:08 am by roc
I am usually up and begin answering email around 2 or 3 am. I always got up early but that used to be 5 am or so. Then I started a website..... It is fun though mostly so the time goes by pretty quickly, especially when I have a lot scheduled for the day. Some days I actually get everything planned done! (OK, most of it, then it's time to get up again)Tom Hintz
Because there is always more to learn!
How are you doing? Can't sleep late, eh? I am an early riser also. Thanks for wondering if I am still alive. All is well here. I have had a number of projects going which has kept me from Knots lately.
Chris remarked that not everyone is retired. He is right. I was never as busy when I was working than I am now. Never would have believed that two years ago.
Yesterday, Lie Nielsen came to town. The Washington Woodworkers Guild and Exotic Wood in Gaithersburg sponsored the LN show and sale. I volunteered to go out and help them set up their display. It was truly a treat. Setting up a couple of large workbenches, small workbenches and all of the displays that are made for quick setup and takedown was quite interesting. Obviously they have that down to a science. We were all set up by about three pm but the WWG meeting didnt start til 7 so I had HOURS AND HOURS to play with all of the toys. Since Woodcraft only stocks a few different LN planes, this was a real eye opener. I got to use all of the BU bench planes (smoother, jack, jointer, etc, along with the specialty planes. I used a toothing blade on the BU Jack which was quite neat. I tried a Middle Pitch frog on a 4 1/2 on some highly figured curly maple. Funny, I didn't tire of trying out the planes at all!!!!!
To have a little extra fun, I showed up with a Lie Nielsen tattoo on my right arm. One of the local "helpers" expressed great surprise at this, and asked, "Is it real?" The two LN folks roared. It is one of those temporary tattoos that LN sells as a hoot. The two folks that LN sent to do the show are quite knowledgeable and a load of fun. The show and sale goes on for another two days.
Now that LN has given up on the woodworking shows, this is the venue they have replaced it with. It works for me. So what did I buy? Larry Williams's DVD on making side escapement planes.
For the three days previous to the LN show, I had been learning how to weave cane seats. Given that my grandson is staying with us for the week, I don't get to spend all day in the shop (ha ha). I have found that reading about how to weave a cane seat is a lot harder than actually doing it. But it has been quite satisfying. Hope to finish it today or tomorrow, based on my babysitting duties.
Please note that I am not shilling for LN. I did accept $15/hour for my labor, but the money is "LN money" which is only exchangeable for their products. That was fine with me. I would have done it for nothing. It didn't cover the cost of gas and dinner. I did it as a "fun experience", and it was.
Just scanning the threads on Knots, it really does seem to me that things have slowed down a lot on Knots. Possibly it is me who has changed, and not Knots, but after reading my 1500th thread on sharpening, 1200th on shoulder planes, 1000th on how to tune a jointer, etc, the real kick I get on Knots is banter with friends. For the most part, when I have a woodworking question, I don't post it. Instead, I send it privately to someone I know is good in that area. I have come to believe that Knots is primarily about woodworkers, not about woodworking. That is fine with me. That way, when an interesting woodworking topic does pop up, it is a surprise and a delight.
Have fun. You are doing a great job keeping Knots going. Thank you.
Measure your output in smiles per board foot.
I usually get up between 5:00am to 6:00am turn on the coffee, then jump in the shower. Once I am dressed I usually log on to Knots, I thought there was something wrong with me as my lady friend tells me I am addicted to Knots. Its good to hear that I am ether all right or else you guys are just as disturbed as me. I am on holidays right now, but I had to bring my laptop for work (my lady friend thinks I brought it to read Knots). While we are leaving Hope B.C. this morning going over to Vancouver Island today for a couple of weeks you guys have a great day.
Can't anyone sleep? I try but as I get older I cannot. When younger I could fall asleep in about 33 heartbeats and I was never late for work.. I always woke up about 3 AM to go to work.. I still wake up then and no alarm. Yes, on a very rare occasion I wake up at 3:30 AM...
And I second... Mel -- where is you? Just checkin! Is fits my English just perfect!
Maybe this will get his attention...
MEL! FREDDY is playing carver.. He has your Leather Apron on and looking for hidden carving tools!
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