Is there any reason why 3/4″ birch plywood cant be edge joined to make a wider piece for a total of 8″ width?
Is there any reason why 3/4″ birch plywood cant be edge joined to make a wider piece for a total of 8″ width?
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You will need a substantial amount of mechanical connection to make it work, since a glue joint would involve considerable amounts of end-grain, which doesn't glue up strongly. Its not the same as gluing solid wood.
I have done this with biscuit joints and I believe on another occasion with dowels. Both worked OK. The joint is not invisable. The difficulty arises with the thin veneer. It makes it difficult to sand any discrepencies in the edge to edge joint. If you can, run the pieces through the table saw with a good plywood blade to get a good edge on the sides to be joined.
Good Luck
dimitri ,
It all may depend on the application but I have splined and glued and clamped then sanded many finished backs on different types of cabinetry. I'll use the same method to splice and make a cabinet bottom or any other part longer then 8' .
I use a slot cutter that cuts a 1/4" X 1/2" deep slot , then I cut a piece of 1/4" plywood just under an inch and glue and pin it in . I'm sure there are other ways to do the same thing , but for me this is quick and strong enough until you get it glued to where it will go .
good luck dusty
I splice 3/4'' oak ply. occasionally. I use lots of #10 or #20 biscuits to align it. be vary careful with the good side as you do not have much wood in the veneer to sand it even. You will find that 3/4'' ply is not always the same thickness between different sheets I have found as much as 1/32 or more difference in thickness.
Have a nice day Lee
If both surfaces don't have to be parallel, you can reinforce the unseen surface by spanning the joint with another piece of plywood glued over the joint.
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