About 10 days ago I received an email to say that my on-line subscription with FWW magazine could not be renewed as the credit card details were incorrect. I checked, and they were up to date.
I have been a longstanding on-line member and paying a lower fee ($19.95) because of this (grandfathered membership). To renew, I would now have to pay the full fee ($99). So I contacted Customer Service, who send me a form reply after 2 days to say I should log in and renew my account. I explained in a further email that I am an existing customer, and wish to continue at the discounted rate. Two days later there is another form email to say that they have discontinued the old subscription and replaced with a new super duper version for everyone. Well, why did they not say so in the first place? At the same time, it is so impersonal that I believe it is another automated reply and not answering my question.
Now I decide that, what the Hell, I shall subscribe at the new rate. It is only money and you cannot take it with you. I enter my details and country (Australia), and then am asked for my state. This is where it all comes to a grinding halt as only USA states are displayed. I try this every which way … but only USA states are displayed. (I have completed similar forms on other websites – I am not a doofus).
I contact Customer Support again, explaining the situation, and begging that they take my money. Two days later I get another form email, explaining that I need to log and and renew my account. OK, perhaps something has changed in the past two days. So I log on again. Same as before – I can be resident of Wyoming but never Western Australia. OK, I have a new idea … I’ll go in and sign up as a brand new subscriber! Yeah right … same again. Apparently no one resides outside the USA in states with names that are dissimilar to those in the USA.
Another issue: if you connect to the Customer Service web page, there is a box “make a payment”. Now if you attempt to make a payment (to subscribe), you are asked to first sign in. If you sign in, the “make a payment” box disappears. The web designer must have a sadistic streak.
I have emailed Customer Service one last time. What do you think that they will reply?
I wonder if the penny will drop when all international subscribers suddenly stop being subscribers …?!
Regards from Perth
Derek (hoping that FWW magazine staff are reading this)
p.s. I have been featured in FWW magazine in the past, on request, and was planning to send more material for the magazine. Would it be received?
Dear Derek: and I thought that only the State of Alaska Government could pull off an idiocy like this! How naive of me! Periodically, some supplier in the "Lower 48" informs me they only deliver to the USA, not foreign countries. They are everywhere. They program computers. Let's go back to dial telephones with actual people on both ends....
Regards from Alaska.
Derek- I had a similar problem, minus the international issue, a while back and was led to believe that I could only get the full blown ($99) subscription. After some online searching I found a FWW page that offered other options as well as phone numbers with an actual person on the other end. I called them and eventually got the $34 subscription that includes the digital magazine without the print option.
I was extremely frustrated with the process but did eventually get what I wanted. Here's a link to a page that might help, it includes a phone number for international subscribers. I hope this helps.
Seems like it's catching. All I did was enquire about the cost of changing my print subscription to online only and I receive a reply telling me my subscription has been cancelled and to renew it will be .... you guessed it US$99. I don't think so.
I am also resident in Australia, I guess they just don't like us any more!
I’m a charter subscriber, and multi-year user of online. I love the magazine, the website, Fine Woodworking Live, and everything they do. That said, I marvel at the clunkiness of customer service. It’s primitive by comparison. Further, I’m not at all clear what I’m getting from this new online approach for five times the price. Not sure how many years I can justify renewing.
Once you get the $99 “unlimited” the fun doesn’t stop. First, if you use an iPad as I do, I found that I could not access archived information using the App. I tried everything and after weeks of trying to contact customer service to no avail, I finally got a reply that the App only allows you access to the current issue and 2 (or 3) past issues. So I tried using the web version only to find the same thing - it keeps telling me to subscribe or update my membership. I finally discovered there is a “secret” members-only website within the website (click on “members”). Which sometimes won’t work and often logs me out. I’ll pay and extra $5 or $10 for them to find a decent website programming service.
BTW, even inside the members’ website, they keep sending me pop-up ads for other websites! So my $99 wasn’t sufficient, they are making additional money from selling access to me.
When I go into the Members area, everything I click on sends me to the same Winter 2019 Tools and Shops issue. Everything I click on sends me there. Everything.
And after I upgraded to the Unlimited Membership, I still get constant ads telling me to upgrade.
They really need a much better web designer.
I have subscribed to the print magazine for almost 40 years, yet due to a glitch in payment one year I had to sign on as a new customer in order to continue with my subscription. So, some of these problems with customer service have been going on for a while. Customer loyalty is apparently not a high priority with these folks.
Now I have added my digital subscription, and a good thing, too! My paper magazine often ends up ruined by water when it arrives in the mail since it no longer has a protective cover. Here in the Pacific Northwest that happens a lot. When I inquired I was told it was too expensive to protect it and they would rather send me a new one if it gets destroyed. Also, many of the articles in the print copy are only partial articles that need to be followed up on line! I probably wouldn’t be whining about all of this if the customer service was better! It matters!
I am also having issues with the members site, getting to the archives. Every other page says sign up....and had to cancel my subscription at a low rate to get the new premium. I would expect there will be more content coming soon and then at a good clip after that since the new deal is about 2x the magazine + online was.
I am also a very long term subscriber, and sincerely hope staff is actively monitoring these most recent posts. No hobby/enthusiast based business I know would do otherwise, and suggest we all wait a few days to see what response arrives via this forum, or by other means. I would fully expect full refunds of any overpayments, as well as complimentary free subscriptions to the disgruntled members, at the very least.
I had the exact same problem with the USA-only 'State' dropbox, despite having Australia as an option in the 'Country' dropbox.
Having read the replies to this thread - especially the revelation that the $99 price point is a recent, 5x increase - I will not be subscribing beyond my initial 2 free weeks.
Wow, the website cannot even give me a decent default option for forum username. IIRC there was no option to specify one during sign-up.
Derek, I've brought this to the attention of Donna, our head customer service representative/get stuff done superhero.
That said, I agree with everything stated here, and we're trying to get better about international orders, but it seems like it's slow going.
For everyone out there, I'm not a programer here, and I have no control over billing or any of that... but I am capable of lighting a fire under an issue that needs to be resolved. Please never hesitate to reach out to me directly when needed at bstrano@taunton.com
At first I found that confusing as well. That is just the homepage for the digital library. The navigation you're looking for is under the Quick Links section on the left.
Thanks Ben.
It has all been resolved now. Some good news.
First I received an email from FWW to say that they had modified the on-line form to include Australia. Soon after this, I was contacted me to say that I had been reinstated as a Legacy Customer.
Hopefully, this will help others in the same situation as well.
Regards from Perth
That's fantastic. Donna is the best. Thanks for hanging in there with us. We're always striving to do better.
Does anyone know what happened to the e-newsletter FWW used to (and perhaps still does) publish every couple of weeks or so? I haven't seen it for a few months. I paid up for the super duper, mucho expensivo, whiz bang all inclusive $99 gonzo, unlimited membership. I've checked my junk e-mail box and the newsletter isn't there. My e-mail address hasn't changed in years. I e-mailed Customer Service and received a reply that my question has been forwarded to someone "in the know." "In the know" must mean "in a cave." So, did I miss the final issue or is it on hiatus or did FWW find out I was receiving it and they are just picking on me? Where or where has my newsletter gone?
Ever since I "upgraded?" to unlimited, I too keep getting "Thank you for your order" and "We want you back" emails, and the annoying upgrade your membership everywhere I go when online with FWW. With the very clunky past issue access, limited ability to use an iPad, and having received only 1 print magazine in the 3-1/2 months of unlimited membership, I am having a very difficult time understanding the value of unlimited.
Sorry to hear about the newsletter issues, 621324. We post two newsletters a week. One on Wednesdays featuring a video workshop episode, and one on Saturdays featuring all sorts of content. Maybe you accidentally got dropped from the email list. You should be able to re-sign up by clicking in the main menu at the top right of the site.
Dear Derek,
This is totally off topic, but I wanted to thank you for an article that you wrote in 2011 about London style dovetails. I wasn't sure you were still active. I used your technique with the exception that I cut a piece of thin spring steel the same thickness as my saw plate to make a marking blade to mark between the kerfs of the tails before I cut the waste out.
Many thanks to you for writing your article as it was very valuable and my dovetails turned out well.
Thank you so much for that!
Kind regards,
Whilst we are having a moan, I too have been unable to find the books I paid for in the library section.
It is also very annoying, when logged in, to keep seeing pop-ups encouraging subscription upgrades and to join the newsletter (whoever thought of those, they are building a special room for you in Hell...)
I also had the problem with the subscription but decided I liked you enough to pay a little more. You'll have to keep up STL though...
Finally, can you not manage a 'keep me logged in' box - everyone else seems to be able to do this. Dropbox does it even though I don't want them to...
Hi Paul
Your table, and the drawers, look fantastic! Beautiful work.
And thanks for the feedback. It is nice to get some. I post on my website as if it is going into the ether. There are a lot more articles there: http://www.inthewoodshop.com
The tip was, I suspect, the kerfing chisel. Article here: http://www.inthewoodshop.com/ShopMadeTools/KerfChisel.html
There are other article on making dovetails easier and better.
Half blind dovetails: http://www.inthewoodshop.com/Furniture/HalfBlindDovetailswithBlueTape.html
Through dovetails: http://www.inthewoodshop.com/Furniture/ThroughDovetails3.html
Please note that the use of blue tape on dovetail was documented on my website about three years before Mike Pekovich used it.
Mitred through dovetails: http://www.inthewoodshop.com/Furniture/AnotherCoffeeTable2.html
Below are compound dovetails on a chest - bow fronts and curved sides ..
Regards from Perth
After reading through the issues posted here, I won't be upgrading to any super membership.
Who is programming this web site? Who is managing feature quality?
Who is managing database activity or cloud access?
A good deal of simple items in the account page and other pages do not function properly. For example, I tried to update my profile. Couldn't save a photo, or add first or last name. Could only add a comment.
Management has poorly executed this website, and will result in not only reduced sign-ups, but likely the loss of current members who are frustrated.
Do better FWW.
It amazes me that it took so long for anyone from FWW to join this thread and fix some things. I enjoy the e-version of FWW but hate the popups that tell me to upgrade. I paid to enroll in the e-version of FWW and then there was a print version subscription. I hope they fix the problems with the site. Personally I would have Donna the super Customer Service person monitoring the comments 2x a week looking for certain keywords.
I don't know. It was posted at 2-a.m. on Sunday morning, and I got to it by 9:30-a.m. Monday. That's about 26 hours.
I monitor the site every few hours during the week.
Hi Derek,
Thank you so much for the compliments. This was your article that I found so very useful.
I've used the method of extending the saw kerfs when cutting the half blind pins. I use a piece of spring steel in a hefty exacto handle, which works very nicely. I'm not sure where I got that from, but it could well be you. What I was referring to was marking the pins before chopping out the waste for the tails. You used the dovetail saw to mark out, I used a sharpened piece of steel the same thickness as the saw plate.
The compound dovetails on your chest are quite exquisite! The whole piece is fantastic!
I will check out the other links that you provided. I used to read your posts several years ago and learned a lot. It's nice to see that you are still posting!
Kind regards,
Paul in Hoboken
For what it's worth I'll add my rant. To start I need to say that until recently I don't recall ever having an issue with my Fine Woodworking subscriptions and the quality of the content has always been great. I have had a subscription to the hard copy magazine and the web content for several years. With the introduction of Unlimited I thought I'd look into it and if the cost wasn't too out of line I would pay the extra and get the promised additional content. I had a few questions so I called FWW. One question I had was since I live in Canada was the $99 in U.S. funds or would it be $99 Canadian (my previous subscriptions had cost the same as a U.S. subscription only in Canadian dollars). The person I talked to was a little confused by the questions but consulted a supervisor and confirmed the cost would be $99 in Canadian funds. This was still a substantial increase but I figured the additional content would justify the extra cost so I went ahead with it. It turns out the rep I talked to and his supervisor where both wrong. When I got my credit card statement the Unlimited subscription cost me over $130. This was a lot more than I would have been willing to pay if I had been told the truth about the cost.
It turns out the only additional content I got was the Complete Illustrated Guides which are good but I can only view them in the tiny little viewer that comes with Digital Libraries (totally useless on a laptop in the shop). For some reason my one computer that has a monitor large enough to read Digital Libraries won't work with the viewer. After contacting customer service several times the problem couldn't be resolved so after paying a lot more for the "upgrade" to Unlimited I have gained nothing.
Based on my experience if you are considering paying the extra for Unlimited, don't do it. A hard copy subscription and a separate digital subscription gives you the same content at a much lower cost.
So many problems with the web interface. As MANY people have mentioned once paying for UNLIMITED I still get emails and pop ups to subscribe to it. Fantastic. Also, seeing ads after subscribing to the content for $$$ seems like a cheap move FWW... don’t double dip.
I don’t know if unlimited, or any membership is worth it when the magazine is available at every Barnes and Nobel, library, and local wood store. Paying the 100 is my way of giving back, but I don’t think it’s worth it given these issues.
had the same issue
I have to say that I feel this is symptomatic of the general slump in the tone and quality of the magazine over the last couple of years. I realise that the magazine business is very tough these days (what isn't?), but the solution IS NOT lower quality and poorer service at a higher price.
I have been a subscriber for many years and am a frequent user of the online stuff. I sincerely hope that they manage to get it together, but I am not optimistic.
I would add that the 'digital library' is a horrible experience. For instance: you click on book and "Contents." There is no table of contents. Scrolling through is like molasses. The whole library in unintuitive, slow, poorly organized. I almost completely stopped using it because it is a 'dog,' and puts me in a very bad mood.
I must say I'm glad "I'm not the only one!"
BEN STRANO: Please take note of this. I almost NEVER use my subscription simply because the iPhone app is so bad. HORRIBLY bad. I refreshed my CC info tonight for one reason only: As a poster just above mentioned, I felt I should give back. It is a fine magazine, albeit nearly impossible to utilized on a digital basis.
NEXT YEAR I PLAN TO LET MY SUBSCRIPTION LAPSE if things remain the same. I know that rings of "ultimatum" but really, it isn't. After reading all these negative comments, reinforcing my own negative experience, I just don't want to bother anymore.
NOTE: I found the same desultory experience with customer service. The poor BOT (it could not have been a real person) answered my question with a set of instructions for something completely unrelated 2 or 3 times before finally actually answering my question. And then it was an answer that was "wishful thinking" and did nothing to allow me to use the site on the app. (That app... whew! What a hot mess!)
Ben, thanks for the tip on the newsletter. I have re-entered my e-mail address. Please try not to lose it this time. How does one misplace a collection of electrons? Just remember - to err is human but to really foul things up, you need a computer.
I leave electrons behind everywhere!
I hate to pile on but my frustration is getting the better of the me. I'm a long time subscriber (early 1980s) and was also a contributing freelance illustrator to FWW for about 5 years. As posted above I've had my share of subscription issues that were "eventually" ironed out.
I've been trying for months to get my e-newsletter subscription back up and running with no luck at all. I've signed up online multiple times and have reached out to customer service through the website three times in the last few weeks and haven't received any response at all, nothing, zip, zero, notta.
Any suggestions?
I am another exasperated Australian subscriber of very long standing (whose work has also been featured in the Readers Gallery). I can identify with all the previous Australian comments.
My present beef is the seeming impossibility of upgrading my membership to "unlimited." Nothing works as it is intended, and emailed requests for help just generate complicated useless replies requesting further action from me, that does not work either. I am also a little concerned that I just paid a $99 renewal when others are getting $34. I am pretty sure that very few, if any, have been subscribing as long as I have. Very soon I will phone Betsy Engel as she must be the only person left in the place with sound admin knowledge, a genuine desire to help and pleasant to deal with.
OK Ben, now I'm feeling picked on. I'm the guy who was dropped off your newsletter mailing list. Per your suggestion I signed back up again. Same e-mail address. It has now been two Saturdays and two Wednesdays. No newsletter. Do you just not like me or is it my e-mail address?????????
Shoot me an email and I'll have someone double check that you're not tagged as a spy or something! bstrano@taunton.com
Since people are more apt to leave comments with a negative experience than a positive one, let me be one to say I love the magazine, the tablet edition and the website. The quality of the videos especially has skyrocketed in recent years.
Actually, I think most of us probably agree with that comment, but I suspect it is Taunton Publishing that needs to fix this, not FWW.
PS what happened to post #39 ?
#39 was a reply and shown next to the comment I replied to. I was joking about the poster being a spy.
I've been a Fine Woodworking junky since the 70's. The editors, writers and staff are superb. The Taunton Press, however, is a "magazine." They behave as such. That's why there are two or possibly three different sites we get shunted onto, mostly with a sales mentality. It's notable that editor Ben Strano entered this thread within 26 hours of its posting. Now, 22 days in, he's the only one to enter in. I suppose that's because these blogs are intended for woodworkers, not for customer service.
I love the magazine and have really enjoyed the online version for a few years. I remained baffled by what if any additional we get from the significantly increased price. I'd love it if someone from FWW would explain that in clear terms. The magazine plus the online extension for about $36/year were well worth it. For $100 per year with no idea what more we're getting, I'll likely revert to just the print subscription. As for Taunton Press, I expect they'll continue to be just a magazine.
I am the only one to enter, because in all honesty... it's my house. We have a small staff, and when it comes to digital matters, I'm your person!
So, as for the price increase. There were a lot of factors, but mostly, we were charging far less than any of our competitors, especially given the quantity (and quality) of video that comes with the membership. That said, we didn't want to just raise the price and not add any value. We added the full archive and digital library to add more value to the membership. Given the fact that most of our video workshops would be valued well over $100 on any other site, I can whole-heartedly say it's still a bargain.
Well Ben, I am very grateful for your presence. Not just because you were there when I needed you, but because you have echoed the spirit of FWW that has been so important for many of us over some decades now. My thanks once again.
Regards from Perth
I recently renewed my subscription after letting it expire a couple of years ago. I had been a subscriber for many years before. Economics at the time was the main reason I let the magazine portion lapse. I maintained the on-line subscription through this time.
Yesterday I received my first issue, looked through it and realized I had made a mistake. The times they are a-changing, as I have changed myself. The magazine doesn't fit me anymore.
Last night I found this forum topic and realized the marketing part of this enterprise is marching toward the Unlimited package that I have received tons of messages about. Now I know, for me, it's time to get off the bus.
I'm getting close to retirement. I have become a student of the growing hand tool resurgence movement. There are so many sources that are better equipped to fully immerse oneself into the zen and skills of this particular woodworking way of life, and at a reasonable cost.
I have learned much through Fine Woodworking, but it doesn't seem to work as well now. Generational change perhaps.
I have cancelled my subscription, and taken the on-line subscription off of auto renewal. Definitely not doing the unlimited deal. Customer service was very good today. I will likely spot buy a magazine from time to time, but that's it.
My 2 cents. Time to go make some feathery shavings by hand.
My original beef #35, was posted in the hope that someone from FWW would read, follow up, and suggest a course of action. Not so. I have enjoyed the magazine immensley for over 40 years and will continue to do so. It has played a pivitol role in helping me develop into a reasonably competant woodworker. One thing I learned about the magazine many years ago was to keep away from it clunky electronic offerrings and web site. I buy the books and CD's. But I relented, as the unlimited membership seemed really good value. "Fortunately" trying to subscribe has been a disaster, so I am out. I am also out of this forum as I am sick of reading of similiar stories of negativity from seriously distressed Australian subscribers like me. If FWW was my business I would put up the money to fix it and be proud. Failing this I would flog it to someone who can
I'm sorry you feel that way RexiCat, and I understand your frustration. I have posted my email address many times on this forum, and others. If you did reach out to Betsy, she we were all in Vegas for AWFS, and she is just back in the office this morning.
Unfortunately, I too now have to add to this thread. Some attempted fraud on my credit card caused my online yearly subscription to be declined.
I tried to get in to my profile to fix the issue. There is no way now to do anything but take out a new subscription to the unlimited (read Unwanted) package.
Shame really, I'm going to miss being able to watch the Christian Becksvoort dovetail video.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Please send me an email so we can get this resolved. bstrano@taunton.com
I want to thank Ben for getting me back on the invite list for the newsletter when 3 letters to customer service couldn't!!! Unfortunately for Ben, he'll be my new "go to guy" for all things FWW.
I'm the user with the vanishing newsletter. I very pleased to report that, with Ben's help, the newsletter has reappeared in my in-box. Like many others, I've been a subscriber to the magazine for many years. It has helped me tremendously. I intend to remain an"unlimited" subscriber for a long time. Now, if I may offer a suggestion. After reading the comments above one thing stands out to me - the front line "customer service" system at Tauton/FWW may not be up to par. As my own experience confirms, that initial point of "service" contact appears to be with some automated process that may not provide actual service. If you can reach a human being - like Ben - this organization takes your problem seriously and works to solve it expeditiously. No organization anywhere is perfect. There will always be glitches. The manner in which the organization solves the problems is really the hallmark of true quality service. This is one area where Tauton/FWW may want to tighten a screw or two.
I just cancelled all of my Taunton subscriptions. The "Ultimate Membership" is crap. Same thing I've been paying a $20 something for for years, and now they increase it to $99?!? Good bye FWW!
You already live in Perth, Australia, otherwise known as God's Country. Anything else you get in life is gravy.
Well I still love the magazine, but I am also baffled as to what I really gained that I couldn't see before the $99 price (which I just paid a couple weeks ago). I still get the "upgrade to unlimited!" splash ads when I log in *shrug* just click past it and get to where you wanted to go.
The app has never been that good; I still prefer having the paper magazine but I'm 61 and maybe that's just my generation. I do like being able to click on links in the digital version to get to extra information on projects.
I love the Taunton plans, Taunton books are high standard, the articles in FWW (my main woodworking magazine above all) are great, and the video quality is always pretty good. I don't always find all articles useful - who would - but they are pretty complete from A to Z of a technique or project. So I'm happy and have learned a lot by being here.
I pine (oak?) for the tool special issues to be included in the "ultimate" subscription and maybe they are, but I haven't seen them yet.
I have had exactly the same experience, and I am based in the UK (having originally taken out my subscription in the US). FWW is wonderful, by far my favourite magazine. However the subscription process is faulty and the $99 'deal' is a ripoff which adds nothing whatsoever worth having. The adds to upgrade when I already have are really annoying. This needs to be fixed quickly before you lose a lot of people to the very strong competition - including from Youtube channels that are excellent and largely free.
This is fast becoming the "Ben Strano" access point, so, Ben thanks for all you do. Compared to the "popular" alternative, FWW is well worth the extra $14/yr added cost.
However, this thread has made me rethink the $100/year unlimited membership. Tripling the annual fee could chase me away completely if that was the only option offered. I see value at $34 in what I get, even though it is the premium alternative. For $100/year I think we need a better definition of the value than has been done so far, and a better validation of the customer experience than we see here, especially with all the free content that is available on YouTube.
But, bravo FWW for allowing this thread to be viewed! Good job Ben!
I can fully understand a lot of the frustration I’ve read in this thread. When I upgraded to Unlimited from the previous magazine and online subscriptions my wife, she who pays our bills, couldn’t understand either what I was getting for the extra cost. I have some suggestions that may help Ben.
Ben Strano, a suggestion for the website. The website needs to be fixed. Often I Have great difficulty finding I’m looking for. On the Members page, for example, the “Online Achieve” and the “Our 10 Illustrated Guides” links both send me to the same place. It wasn’t until I noticed the sub menu titled “CIG Issues” that I found the listing of the guides. While that should have been obvious it wasn’t. I’ve also found that the sub menus on that page don’t always work for some reason. That members page is very confusing and desperately needs to be reorganized. You need to make it clear what is available just to Unlimited Members and make it easier for them to find what they are looking for.
Ben, as I’ve told you before you’re doing a great job. The recent videos are excellent. You truly are trying your best to improve the online content. Thank you.
Ben, if you're still monitoring this, can you please see if the magazine sales staff could tone down the popups. I entered the site today to research a simple issue. Every time I change pages the San Diego Event pops up in my face. For $100 per year, I think its reasonable to expect that I'd see it at most once per login. Also, it seems like the site should be smart enough to know when a full member logs in, they don't need to be served an ad in their face to upgrade. Sorry to burden you, but you guys are the face to the customer and your back room is making you look bad.
Agreed Rick. That's absurd. I'll give them a heads up. You should only get served that popup once a day.
Just a thought on RotaryRick's comment. The website may need to use cookies to recognise and manage interactions in the way you suggest. If (as is true of a lot of us) our browser is set to block cookies or if you have a browser extension that does something similar, there may be nothing Ben (or anyone) can do to limit your pop-ups. I would suggest that RotaryRick also check his browser settings and add-on apps to see if he is the source of his own frustration (as I a often am of mine).
For the record though... we did in fact something screwed up.
Ben, its a new day and the issue seems to be fixed! Thanks a million.
Actually, user-6969284, for once it wasn't me. While we're speaking of IT acumen, may I suggest you visit your profile and update the default user name to something a bit more descriptive? Just a thought :-)
I'm having the same experience as many others.
The iOS app only lets me see the past couple issues, nothing more.
The website only lets me see the last couple pages of back issues. Once I get to page 3 or 4 it says "members only" instead of "view digital edition". And the issues I can view have very different experiences (i.e. no table of contents in some).
I tried the members section as others described but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
Finally, I've emailed multiple times and filled out the support form as well and have received 0 replies.
Very disappointed.
Sorry your emails have gone unanswered. I'll address each of your complaints here.
The iOS app is a mirror of a print subscription, so if you subscribed three issues ago, you'll only have those issues available to you. Same as if you got them in the mail.
The digital editions in only go back three or four pages, because that's when we started producing the digital editions. I'm not sure how some of the digital editions would not have table of contents. Again, they're a mirror of the magazine, so if was in the magazine, it's in the digital edition.
If you're an Unlimited member, you have access to the entire archive via the digital library... https://archives.finewoodworking.com/
So, everything you're looking for is there, just not where you are looking for it. I hope that helps. If you have any other issue feel free to email me at bstrano@taunton.com
Thanks for the reply Ben.
Well at least that explains all the issues.
Are there any plans to enhance the iOS app to do more?
While I certainly understand the frustrations of folks around this issue, in another way I really appreciate that the staff of FWW is so good at cranking out a steady stream of such remarkable articles and videos from which I have learned so much over the years. The sense I get, perhaps completely off base, is that talented woodworkers and teachers make up much of the FWW staff, and that perhaps they aren't as good at running a magazine as they are with their craft.
I bet I'm not alone in having been attracted to a number of other woodworking magazines---slickly presented and well marketed---only to decide not to renew my subscription because of the diluted influence of the real woodworkers on the content (Christopher Schwarz being a notable exception). I keep coming back to FWW.
No I'm not a shill. I purchased issue #1 and subscribed to the very first year of FWW. I too hope the issues above get cleared up. But not at the expense of having the magazine trade in the sawdust and wood shavings for for more robust IT, marketing, and accounting departments.
Another question to add is the Taunton store, why can't us in the UK (and I guess in the EU in general) even see the store let alone buy anything from it like we used to ? The GDPR changes were quite a while ago now and you must be losing money surely ?
Hi, I am from Chile. I tried anyway to buy membership for a year but it doesn't work. I do not know what happens to the rest of the countries because where it says "state" only those from the United States appear. What happens?
You can skip the “State” field as long as the “Country” field is filled in for Chile. Let me know if you have any problems, bstrano@taunton.com
I'm a new member, just paid for unlimited, and don't have access to anything. I downloaded the app on an iPad and got access to the most recent issue, but on the website all I get are ads, rerouting me to pages telling me to subscribe, upgrade, login, etc. I'm already logged in. Navigating to archives.finewoodworking.com routes me to https://www.finewoodworking.com/onlinearchive which tells me how to buy access and all the great benefits of an Unlimited membership, which I already paid for. I was hoping to access plans for a workbench but it's still blocked for members only. https://www.finewoodworking.com/members is just a big advertisement–again, behaving like I am not a member.
Pity! This was going to be my weekend.
Customer service is closed because of the bat flu so I'm venting here. My apologies!
It kind of sounds like you might have signed up with a different email than you're logging with. I'm in editorial, but I've forwarded your comment on to the head of customer service. They should get you straightened out.
Have you logged into the FWW website? I get these messages until I do, and then they go away.
Regards from Perth
Yeah, I've tried clearing my browser cache, restarting my browser, computer, logging out and back in, etc. Basically the website doesn't appear to have changed for me at all after paying for the Unlimited subscription, despite showing that I am logged in. Viewing account settings, then clicking Manage Account, logging in again, shows that my account is Active.
I guess this is just a technical bug of some kind, though it seems like a serious one and it's been hard to believe.
Thanks for the suggestion. Cheers.
An interesting thread, illustrating some frustrations that I find with the FWW Unlimited Membership myself but also others where it works for me but seemingly not for others. (I'm a foreign subscriber in Britain btw).
Personally I have many back issues of the FWW magazine as well as many PDFs of the same - and some additional - copies bought as DVD-based magazine back-issues from FWW over the years. I find the FWW current website very useful for additional stuff, though:
* Discrete/individual PDF articles from back issues of the magazine that I can download as such. Easier to use than wading through tons of not-wanted adverts and other articles in a whole magazine.
* Some very good video workshops in several parts with lots of technique demonstration and much else.
These features alone are worth the $99 per year to me.
Some glitches remain.
* WHy are some digital copies of recent magazines available as downloadable PDFs but many aren't? Ditto some of the articles?
* Why is there still all the exhortation to become a "full member" even when I'm logged in as such?
* Why are pages of items (articles, videos, etc.) only navigable in a linear way? I want to jump multiple pages at a time but have to plod along one at a time - tedious if there are 300+ pages.
* What is the governmental policy that prevents FWW selling many things into Europe and other foreign parts? It never used to be like this.
PS Why is the forum such a dead place compared to the old Knots?
Commenting on the glitches:
1-Apart from a handful, everything recent is available for download. If they're not, they are full laid out on the website.
2-This is a common complaint that seems to be a part of our website. Somehow it's not an easy fix. You're not alone in your frustration.
3-Shoot me an email and let me know why you would be doing that. Maybe there is an easier way. Maybe your right about it. I just get why would want to jump multiple pages.
4-GDRP... not us for once. The cost of making the website GDRP compliant is greater than our revenue from Europe. It just doesn't make sense to spend the money on it.
P.S. - Because it's new. Give it time. If we're kind and welcoming the community will grow.
1 The reason I'd like all the copies of the magazine to be available as PDFs is that I find that format far easier to read and navigate than the web-based digital-issue portrayal of the magazine. The digital-issue viewing software often freezes, too, so one has to go back and reload it from some web-pages back as the right-click browser "reload" isn't available when the digital issue software viewer runs. It's also tedious to have to log-on to FWW just to read a magazine. WHy not just make all the magazines available as PDFs, like the other 98%?
2 This one isn't a big issue; it just seems peculiar to be constantly invited to subscribe when you're already subscribed and logged in, navigating all over the website.
3 An example: I pull up all the how-to items which appear as a list of 300+ pages, with about 8 - 10 items per page. I want to go through these to find PDFs I might download and videos I might want to bookmark in the browser. I might sit for half an hour perusing, say, 20 pages, reading a bit and downloading/bookmarking a few items. Later I want to resume - at page 21, not page 1. But I have to page through each individual page to get to page 21. What about when I get to page 80!!? I want to be able to insert a "go to page NN" instruction. Simples.
Foolish me. All I haver to do to get to page N of the 300+ pages of how-tos is alter the page number of the url in the web browser task bar. Doh!
4 Fair enough. So much for "free trade, eh"?
PS The forum needs some stimulus from you and other FWW staff. Why not start interesting threads yourself? See Knots history for details. :-)
PPS Thanks for your swift and informative reply.
I won't say I figured it out, but incase this helps anyone in the future...I got on the website from my computer at work and being logged in on the Members page yields the results I would expect: access to all the member content. Same web browser (Safari, I'm on a Mac). Very strange that despite being logged in, I couldn't get the Members portion of the website to work on my iPhone, iPad, or laptop computer. And I still can't. But if anyone is having trouble, try another computer I guess.
I had some issues when first subscribing to the Print magazine + Web Access and found out they are 2 different organizations. Explains a lot.
I used the members section / members only articles etc from my iPads all the time. I’ve never had a problem and I am on safari on there.
I haven’t tried the app, perhaps that is a different experience. Ben might have some more info there....
Yes. The app.
So, the app was never intended to be an archive. It's a mirror of a subscriber's print subscription. So if you subscribed in 2018, you'll have access to those issues on the app.
It is confusing.
I want to echo the need to use some form of protection for mailed copies of FWW. I've gotten the same nonsensical response from the customer service folks that it is not possible. My last copy arrived wet and the only response was that I could be sent another copy. Protective covers used to be done. And, it is so annoying to constantly receive invitations to join the online and unlimited community since I already am. Taunton Press are you aware of this discussion and do you care?? Don't cheapen and degrade the best woodworking magazine published by tell its subscribers that we'll take whatever you want to give us.
My unlimited membership that I started on March 9 seems to have completely vanished. When I login it gives me a random number and none of the member content can be seen. Very annoying will try and call and find out what happened tomorrow.
Hi Ben
To add to the frustrations from Australia - I too received the dreaded email that my subscription had been cancelled and my only option was Unlimited - with the exchange rate and CC fees the subscription is equal to about A$140.00. Not really worth it now - been a subscriber since 2008 and bought the archive as DVDs a couple of years ago so there is no advantage there. I enjoyed the instruction videos (particularly those from Garrett) but there is now plenty to watch on YouTube at no cost (except the ads). Unfortunately for Taunton and FWW another international subscriber has called it quits.
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