Experience with Stanley’s 20-800 Mitre B

Anyone used a Stanley 20-800 Contractor Grade CLamping Mitre Box? Am wondering about accuracy, repeat cuts, stability, etc- Thank you-
Anyone used a Stanley 20-800 Contractor Grade CLamping Mitre Box? Am wondering about accuracy, repeat cuts, stability, etc- Thank you-
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Strange but true: The day before you posted your inquiry I ordered a unit. It has arrived and been installed/assembled and appears to be worth the investment, and then some.
Equally strange, equally true, my unit arrived yesterday- And I, too, am happy with what appears to be it's performance- Look like perfect mitres, no tear out, the very small pieces I'm cutting don't fly away when separated from the work piece- Got mine from Amazon for $39.99, no shipping- How'd you do? Dave
Did not do quite as good. Mine came through Amazon from Builder's Depot at same price, but shipping additional. Oh well.
Amazon's pretty aggressive in its policies, I think, let alone in its inventory-
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