Hello everyone, I own a 8 inch jointer. I also own a invisible fence system for my two labs. What do these two have to do with one another? Its seems that the invisible fence if located near a large metal object can actually increase the signal of the transmitter. That is bad as it gives the dogs a signal inside the house. My large metal jointer is close to the transmitter. Are there, and I hope there is, extension cords for 220? I only need maybe ten feet. And can i do any harm to the machine using an extension cord?
thanks again
Make one...buy the ends and wire and make sure it's the next size up in wire to be sure it's heavt enough. We have several 100' cords for our "portable 24" planer" and other mobile tools. Space is a bit tight at times.
There are premade 220 extension cords availible, but they are hard to find. Granger carries them, and any company that sells comercial floor buffers, floor sanders, and carpet cleaners/ dryers would as well. However, I think that it would be a lot easier to make your own. use a amperage/ wire gauge chart to find the right size (12 gauge will be plenty for a 2 horse motor). Get the wire meant for cord use, Home Depot carries it. and then pick the right conectors for the amperage rating (probably 15 A 220).
Home Depot carries a gray, 9-ft., 12-gauge, 220-volt extension cord, which I use on my cabinet saw. That's the only one I have ever seen for sale. I don't remember how much it cost--$10 or $15 at most. You have to look closely in the extension cord bins; it looks a lot like the 110-volt models until you inspect the plug ends carefully. You could also buy the male and female ends and some cord and make your own. But the plugs are around $10 each so for a short cord you would end up paying more than the ready-made one.
Home Depot sells the goods to make your own. Make it longer than you think you will ever need and, as suggested, increase the wire gauge. I think I spent $20 when I made mine several years ago for a cabinet saw that I have NOT moved even once. Oh well...
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