Hi, if any other Knots heads attended the San Mateo show last weekend, I’d be interested in your comments. I went but had to leave after less than an hour due to a work emergency. I’m especially interested in how valuable or not people found the various demos and tutorials.
I had barely enough time to walk the floor once, stop by the Lie-Nielsen booth to order a (drool) dovetail saw at the show discount, and check out the Micro-Fence products (ok, pricey, but way cool!). Then my electronic leash got yanked and it was pumpkin time for moi (sorry for mixed metaphor ;-)).
EDIT: FWIW, Deneb and Teale at L-N were amazing. Big crowds of attendees, somehow found time for everybody, regardless of skill level or the price of the items they were interested in. Deneb gave me a detailed walk through of his sharpening method for bench planes. Hats off to them both!
Edited 10/31/2005 12:54 pm by ram
Hi again,
The Woodworking Show was okay, I also bought a L/N saw and some organic oil for it. Didn't get a free T-shirt though, :(
Graham Blackburn put on a few very informative mini seminars!
He also is coming out with a new series of woodworking magazines on DVD, he gave out free samples at the Show. Nice quality! Drawermaking, Marc Adams, Panel Veneering by Paul Schurch, etc. Check it out at: www. woodworkinginaction.com
A lot of booths were sponsored by Delta, so it was a bit odd.
Forrest has a new WWII blade out that has a flat bottom! Introduction cost of only $100.
Worst thing, the popcorn machine was broken.
I stopped by the local Woodcraft the other day. Apparently Delta kicked in a huge chunk of money to keep the show from being cancelled, which was why they dominated the floor space. After all was said and done, attendance was still down. I hear TWS is pulling this one from their schedule, not hard to see why.
Thanks for the notes and link!
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