Hi to all,
I am trying to know what is the main difference between both sanders (besides the 2 mm). Since I can afford to buy just one, what would be better for all around work? I am mainly sanding doors and drawer fronts..
Hi to all,
I am trying to know what is the main difference between both sanders (besides the 2 mm). Since I can afford to buy just one, what would be better for all around work? I am mainly sanding doors and drawer fronts..
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I'd go with the 3mm orbit. I've used it for a year now, and love it. It's pretty aggressive with coarser grits while still leaving a smooth finish.
[URL=http://www.jameseddywoodworks.com]James Eddy Woodworks[/URL]
Jim, to get your link to work, just type it without the UBB brackets (beautiful site by the way):
http://www.jameseddywoodworks.com forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
The 150/3 is probably more suited to all-around furniture making.
Thanks a lot! I will try that one...
Somehow, I missed your post about the Festool sanders. That's unlike me!
Anyway, I run a Festool Owners Group over on Yahoo, where you can get all the information you need.
Here's a link:
I can send you an invitation, if you want.
Yes please do, I end up buying the 150/3 machine with the vacuum
I sent you a message using the Knots software. Tell me if it works.
See you in the group!
Manny, the 150/3 is a finish sander and the 150/5 is an intermediate sander. In otherwords, You could followup the work of the 150/5 with the 150/3 and have done a beautiful job.
If you've never used an aggressive 3/16 (5mm) sander you would probably not like it right off the bat. They do take a bit of getting used to and the learning curve is certainly steeper.
If you get the package I would suggest part number P2571540 at $590.00. The CT22 is great.
Here's a tip: Turn the speed down on the CT22 and your sanding will be bounce and swirl free. To much suction is not always a good thing.
Good point about the CT22 and sanding.The Festool sanders are about 100% dust free, plus or minus a percent! The system has such powerful dust collection that if you run the CT22 at full strength, the sander almost sticks to the wood surface, especially when there's a new dust bag installed. I've seen the sander pick up chunks of wood from the surface! Now that's dust collection!!!I have several Festool sanders in my shop: ETS 150/5, RO 150 Rotex, RO 125 Rotex, LS 130 Linear, and DX 93 Delta. Each one does its job wonderfully, the best there is in my opinion.The one thing I would do differently is, I would have bought the ETS 150/3 instead of the ETS 150/5. Not because the 150/5 is a bad sander, but because the ETS 150/3 might be a better combination with the Rotex sanders. The Rotex sanders do the heavy removal, then I follow up with the 150/5. It might be better to follow up the Rotex with the 150/3 or the ES 125 finish sander. There is some difference of opinion on this matter (check the messages in the Festool Owners Group).But you want a clear answer, don't you! If you want just one sander for good material removal and also pretty good finishing, the 150/5 is a good choice. If you want two sanders, each one handling a different stage of sanding, pick one from each of the following categories:HEAVY REMOVAL: Either the RO 150 or the RO 125
FINISHING: Either the ETS 150/3 or the ES 125I invite anybody who is interested in Festool equipment to join the Festool Owners Group on Yahoo.
Edited 10/19/2005 10:07 am ET by MatthewSchenker
Matthew, actually the 150/5 is nearly the same as the Rotex in ROS mode. I use the Rotex to get the dirty part done and then follow up with the 150/3. Some would actually argue that the Rotex would do it all if you choose your abrasives properly.
I have found it to be easier for me (somewhat brain dead) to use the two sanders. For one, the 150/3 is just plain easier to handle in the final sanding process than the Rotex.
So, would I make you jealous if I told you I have demos of every Festool product made at my disposal. Makes for a really fun Saturday afternoon.
Yes, I kow several people who use the RO 150 for all stages of sanding. For me, I like to put the Rotex in the aggressive mode for removal of dried glue and gross leveling. Then I switch to a lighter sander for finishing. I like the handling of the smaller sander. But before I owned a Rotex, I used the RO 150 for both.The smaller Rotex (RO 125) can also do all stages, and it is lighter.I am a little jealous, of course! But I'm no slacker when it comes to Festool tools!
Edited 10/19/2005 12:03 pm ET by MatthewSchenker
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