I accidently spilled cyanoacralate glue on a table I’m re-finishing and can’t get rid of it.
I hope someone out there has a solution.
I accidently spilled cyanoacralate glue on a table I’m re-finishing and can’t get rid of it.
I hope someone out there has a solution.
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Try some acetone, assuming it's not yet finished. Acetone will also remove most finishes.
I soak my tips in acetone when they get clogged. Interestingly, acetone is one of the ingredients in the accelerator for CA.
Edited 5/25/2005 10:53 pm ET by KMEALY
Thanks KMEALY, i'll will give it a try
Acetone or nail polish remover (contains acetone) if you do not have any acetone in stock and you do have a wife.1 - measure the board twice, 2 - cut it once, 3 - measure the space where it is supposed to go 4 - get a new board and go back to step 1
Acetone will also remove most finishes and your lungs!
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